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Results: Series Eastern (e) Midlands (m) Northern (n) Scotland (s) South West (sw) Thames (t) Vintage (v)   iCAL

Date Venue
 Dec 30th Grafham Water S.C.
 6th Queen Mary S.C.
 7th Yorkshire Ouse S.C.
 21st Ranelagh S.C.
 27th Northampton S.C.
 17th Royal Harwich Y.C.
 18th Royal Harwich Y.C.
 3rd & 4th Alexandra Palace
 17th Scaling Dam S.C.
 24th Burghfield S.C.
 25th Burghfield S.C.
 31st & 1st Bristol Corinthian Y.C.
 7th – 9th Waldringfield S.C.
 15th Tynemouth S.C.
 21st South Cerney S.C.
 21st – 22nd Pagham S.C.
 22nd Annandale S.C.
 29th Waveney & Oulton Broad
 5th & 6th Solway Y.C.
 5th – 7th   Salcombe Y.C.
 12th – 13th Trent Valley S.C.
 20th Frampton-on-Severn
 20th Desborough S.C.
 26th – 27th West Riding S.C.
 2nd & 3rd Yorkshire Ouse S.C.
 3rd Ranelagh S.C.
 9th Penzance S.C.
 10th Mounts Bay S.C.
 16th – 17th Royal Harwich Y.C.
 23rd Chipstead S.C.
 23rd & 24th Starcross S.C. * Cancelled *
 24th Tynemouth S.C.
 30th & 1st Aldeburgh Y.C.
 7th & 8th Ripon S.C. (Secretary's Cup)
 14th Spinnaker S.C.
 14th & 15th Frensham Pond S.C.
 14th & 15th Clyde (Bardowie)  * Cancelled *
 21st Earlswood Lakes S.C.
 21st & 22nd Filey S.C. (event plan)
 28th – 4th North West Norfolk
 29th – 3rd BRIXHAM Y.C.
 4th – 5th Norfolk Broads Y.C.
 4th – 12th Bassenthwaite S.C.
 5th  – 11th Salcombe Y.C.
 12th – 18th Salcombe Y.C.
 25th – 26th  East Lothian Y.C.
 26th – 27th Royal Harwich Y.C.
 28th – 31st  Royal Harwich Y.C.
 1st Derwent Reservoir S.C.
 1st & 2nd Royal Lymington Y.C.
 9th Derwent Reservoir S.C.
 15th Up River Y.C.
 16th Thorpe Bay Y.C.
 22nd   Trent Valley S.C.
 23rd Henley S.C.
 29th Olton Mere
 29th – 30th Waldringfield S.C.
 30th Twickenham Y.C.
 6th Ripon S.C.
 7th  Yeadon S.C.
 6th & 7th   Salcombe Y.C.
 13th Grafham Water S.C.
 21st Tynemouth S.C.
 3rd Northampton S.C.
 3rd – 4th Northampton S.C.
 17th Trent Valley S.C.
 24th To be advertised
 1st Yorkshire Ouse SC
 26th Royal Harwich Y.C.
Untitled Document
Event Contact Series
Grafham Grand Prix
Bloody Mary Pursuit Race
Winter Sail Vince Phillips
Royal Thames Y.C. Trophy Chris Edwards t(r)
Steve Nicholson Memorial Race Tom Stewart
E. Area Prizegiving Dinner Bruce Johnson
Mid Winter Championships Antony Gifford e
RYA Dinghy Sailing Show John Meadowcroft
Open Meeting Mark Simpson n
Coaching Graham Camm
Open Meeting Graham Camm t
Series Kevin Iles , sw
Easter Egg Antony Gifford e
Blaydon Race - Newburn on Tyne Howard Steavenson n
Open Meeting Kean Gunton sw, t, v, 4
Open Meeting Kevin Iles
Open Meeting John Hugo s
Open Meeting Andy Jarvis e
Open Meeting Ian Purkis s
Open Meeting John Murrell sw
Series & Junior Champs Kevin Iles , m
Open Meeting Brian Kitching sw
Open Meeting Phil Gorham t(r)
Series, ANEYC trophy Kevin Iles , n
Naburn Paddle Vince Phillips n, v
Open Meeting Chris Edwards t(r)
Open Meeting Kean Gunton sw
Open Meeting Kean Gunton sw
 Series, Half Model Trophy  Kevin Iles , e
Open Meeting Bob Murrell t(r)
Open Meeting  * Cancelled * Kean Gunton sw
Tynemouth Bailer Howard Steavenson n
Ganymede Trophy Antony Gifford e
Series, Summer Event, coaching Kevin Iles , n, v
Open Meeting David Wilkins t(r), sw
Vintage meeting Charles Smith v
Open Meeting Ken Mitchell s
Vintage Meeting Diane Thornton v(h), 4
Filey Regatta Bernard Clark n
North West Norfolk Week Adrian Tebbutt
BURTON WEEK Antony Gifford
Classic Dinghy Regatta Jamie Campbell v
Bassenthwaite Week Cristina Sedgwick
Salcombe Y.C. Regatta John Murrell
Salcombe Town Regatta John Murrell
Scottish Championship Bernard Clark s
Regatta Tim Hunt
Junior Week Tim Hunt
Vintage Meeting Towan Hancock v(h), 4
Open Meeting Sailing Supervisor t, sw
Open Meeting  Brian Herring n, s
Open Meeting Ian Gore e
Series Kevin Iles , e, t
Vintage Meeting Paul Turner v, 4
Open Meeting John Thornton t(r)
Open Meeting Ian Hurst m
Cartoon Trophy Antony Gifford e
Open Meeting Pip Deverson t(r)
Open Meeting Peter Chignell n, v
Open Meeting John Cheetham n, v
Open Meeting John Murrell sw
Series Kevin Iles , m, e
Tate Winter Trophy Howard Steavenson n
Series & Prizegiving Kevin Iles
Inland Championship Kevin Iles m
Midland Area Prizegiving Nigel May
Thames Area Prizegiving Mike Day
Northern Area Prizegiving Brian Herring
Boxing Day Bowl Tim Hunt

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