I'm in the process of restoring N12 2958 Purfect, 1977 Cheshire Cat. Thinking ahead could I ask if rigging with a dangley pole eliminates the setting up of barber hauler? The mast has no evidence of being rigged with a dangley pole and there is a set of holes in the deck just foward of the shrouds that I think correspond with barber hauler lines to control the jib shape and slot. I have previously sailed Laser and Solo dinghy so the complexity of boats like the N12 and Merlin Rockets etc are a new experience.
Really excited about getting the N12 finished and sailing again after a long time away from dinghy racing. The appeal of the N12 is introducing my grandsons to dinghy sailing.
Absolutely right - the dangly pole eliminates the need for barber haulers and is far more effective.
Kevin, many thanks for the reply to my enquiry. I've looked at the information relating to Dangley Pole set up in the owners handbook and can understand the advantages so I will explore the option once I have completed the hull restoration and start considering rigging.