The life of N3396 O' Crikey. Design: Freak Out, designed by: Phil Morrison in 1991
Original boat name: 15 Minutes of Fame.
15 Minutes of Fame, Burton Cup winning boat, Fowey 1995, Rob Peebles & Katy Foster
My old boat ! Initially named Fifteen Minutes of Fame. This pic from the Porthpean Nationals some years back 2000 ? Great light wind boat but never really had the pace in a blow. Baggies were always quicker on the plane.
[quote by=boatshed link=Blah.cgi?b=boats,m=3396,s=1 date=1169820884]
The link may work now
Here you go ...
As Steve says, originally 'Fifteen Minutes of Fame' however when Chris Winzar bought her from Rob, Ysobel took one look at her muttered the immortal words -'O Crikey!' and it stuck!!!!
Possibly one of my favorite Twelves of those I have owned! Only sold her because I got into compulsive boat building and couldn't fit all the boats in the drive let alone the cars.
Steve sold her onto Simon Hinks who still has her today.
Some more pics from my archives! They give an idea of the boats radical layout!
Anyone know whereabouts O'Crickey lives nowadays?
Living in darkest Cornwall when I saw her last autumn, I think that Simon Hinks has plans to sail her again this year.