Can anyone pass on any information about Barry Jones MICROWAVE design ( one off built by Gerry Ledger). I beleive its a development of Microclipper but thats all I know really. So if anyone can spread any light on things like what its favoured wind condition, weight , or even specific quirks to it in particular.
Ive just picked Her up and in theprocess of giving her a new coat of 2 pack varnish.
regards Paul
Tel 07960 874365
You probably know already but as far as i can recall:
She was the last design Barry came up with, and she was built for him (by Gerry?) and sailed and owned by Barry until it went up to Tim in Aldeburgh. It spent a lot of time sitting in his garden or garage in Waldringfield when Barry lived there, and did not get a lot of use so i think it is fair to say that the hull shape is unproven.
Hi Paul
I remember sailing in Deben Week in the early nineties against Barry in this boat and seem to remember it being pretty quick (having said that, I was about 12 at the time and sailing a Cheshire Cat so most things wouldd have seemed comparatively fast!). From memory, there was quite a lot of Final Chapter in the design. Some years later, Barry measured a boat that I built for me and had 'Swell Party' sitting in his garage at Waldringfield - he was certainly convinced that it was a good shape and always talked enthusiastically about it. Barry's number is in the year book - why not ask him all about it?