Burton week 2023

Brixham, Saturday 26th to Tuesday 29th August 2023

Sponsored by allen logo and DinghyShack

Find Out More

Venue & entry

This year the Burton Week will be held at Brixham YC for the fourth time and the Club are keen to make this as successful as previous visits.

The Clubhouse has splendid views overlooking Torbay and is within walking distance of the harbour and town. Non sailors can visit the town, walk to Berry Head or explore the Breakwater beach area, also take trips to nearby Torquay, Paignton or beyond. Spectators can watch the racing from the comfort of the club or take a closer look by walking along the breakwater to the lighthouse.

The dinghy park is directly below the club and there is easy slipway launching with a relatively short sail out into Torbay.

See ‘Getting There & Accommodation’ for travel details, especially which postcode to use for your SatNav! There is one for the clubhouse and another for the dinghy park directly below!

Entry links are below:

Don’t forget to check the early entry discount cut-off dates!

Please book and pay for your dinner tickets when you enter.

You can enter online, by post or scan and email your paper entry to ntoa@national12.org.

Pay by bank transfer or cheque, but please pay within 3 days of submitting your entry.

Online Entry Form Paper Entry Form Notice of Race Sailing Instructions Parental Consent

Medical Declaration


The Club will be open to receive early entrants on Friday the 25th August and the Class Measurer’s will be available to check weigh your boats from mid-afternoon until 6 pm and also on Saturday morning until the briefing at 11.30 am, this saves time if you get picked for measurement during the event. On arriving get your name on their list as soon as you can and they will give you a shout when it’s your turn. The measuring will be done in the ‘Bilges’, an undercover area at the foot of the steps which lead from the dinghy park to the clubhouse.

If anything else on the boat needs to be measured please try to get it done before arriving. Contact the Chief Measurer in advance if that is not possible. Don’t forget that as well as carrying out the weighing the measurers will want to rig their own boats to go sailing!!

On Saturday there will be a briefing at 11.30 hrs, also check the ‘Mandatory Return to Shore document’ to see how the shore crew will assist with your safe return to shore. This will be available shortly before the event.

There will be a WhatsApp group and Official Notices will posted there during the event as well as on the Official Notice Board.

Date Race Warning Signal Tide Times (BST)
Saturday 26th August 1st Points Race
2nd Points Race
asap after Race 1
LW –  06.53  (2.1m)    
HW – 13.48   (3.8m)  
Sunday 27th August Sir William Burton Cup (3rd Points Race)
10.55 LW –  08.48   (2.0m)   
HW – 15.21   (3.9m)
Monday 28th August 4th Points Race
5th Points Race
asap after Race 4
LW –  10.12   (1.7m)
HW – 16.41   (4.3)
Tuesday 29th August 6th Points Race
7th Points Race
asap after Race 6
LW –  11.19   (1.2m)
HW – 17.44   (4.7m)


Burton Week 2023 is sponsored by Allen Brothers of Essex. They are major suppliers of sailing fittings and are giving us generous sponsorship for Burton Week this year, so there will be extra prizes and vouchers to be awarded.  There will be boom stickers for your boat available at registration.

Dinghy Shack

This event is also part of the Class's Dinghy Shack National Series and there will be separate prizes for this series.  There will be bow stickers available at registration


Everyone will be part of a buddy team and each day’s winning team will win a prize.  The aim is for each team to have a mix of experience and skills which they can share, hopefully those new to Burton Week or the Twelve Class will find this useful.

The list of buddies will be posted on the Notice Board as soon as possible after registration is complete.


There are lots of trophies to be won, but for some of the special ones you need to tell us you do want to enter.  We will acknowledge your entry and confirm the trophies you qualify for.

A list of subsidiary trophy entrants will be on display soon after registration, but let the Race Office know ASAP if your entry is not correct.  Once results begin to appear it is a bit more hassle to change things! 

If you were a trophy winner last year please make sure you have them engraved. Please, return them as clean and shiny as they were when you received them! Please deliver them to the Race Office when you register.


The usual helm and crew wristband tally system will be used for safety and as your race declaration.

The tally board will be positioned close to the dinghy park entrance or the slipway under the control of the Beachmaster.

Forgetting to tally in or out could mean losing your position in that days races, or paying £10 to the RNLI!

If you have any questions about how this works please ask at the Race Office when you check in.   


allen logo The National Twelve Championships are again being sponsored by Allen.

There will be food and drink available throughout the event starting from lunchtime on Friday, meals will be available each evening and food to set you up for the journey home on Tuesday.

Friday: The club will be open to receive early arrivals and the Race Office is open from 14.00 hrs for registration. Check weighing will be available from mid-afternoon until 6.00 pm. Also on Saturday morning until the briefing at 11.30 am.

Saturday: As well as the first sailing day this is a chance to meet old friends and catch up, also for buddy teams to get together. The buddy scheme is a chance for knowledgeable National Twelve sailors to share their experience of boat tuning or sea sailing with the team members, if needed. A mix of experience in each team can make an interesting daily prize result!

Sunday: The annual National Twelve Burton Week dinner will be served at 20.00 hrs. This is a three course sit down meal, it is always a very well-attended and much enjoyed event. The dress code being ‘smart but casual’.

The Sir William Burton Cup and the associated prizes will be presented after the meal, assuming the race has taken place as scheduled! Also the Decanter Trophy and the Burton Brick will be awarded. Tickets for the dinner must be booked and paid for in advance, ideally with your entry, but please book as early as possible before the event. Also when booking tell us if anyone has a specific dietary request.

Monday: The Annual General Meeting of the National Twelves will be held at 17.30 hrs. The AGM is your chance to find out what the Committee who run your Association on behalf of the members throughout the year, have been doing. Please come to the meeting and let us hear your views and your ideas for the future. Anyone can attend the meeting and take part in discussions, although only full members can vote for any changes. The committee consists of enthusiastic National Twelve owners, and welcome any help likeminded members can give with new ideas, plans or support throughout the year. The main requirement is a desire to help National Twelve sailing to flourish. Have a chat with the Chairman or any of the Association officers to find out more.

After the AGM there will be food, the bar will be open and a social evening is planned; more details later!

Tuesday: is the last day of racing and the final results will be prepared. The prize-giving will take place as soon as possible in the clubhouse. There will be food available before your journey home

Getting there & accommodation

Brixham Yacht Club clubhouse is located on Overgang Road a short distance from the Harbour, for the clubhouse only use postcode TQ5 8AR for your Satnav. There is no street parking at this point and the small car parks opposite the Club are for members only.

The BYC Dinghy Park is directly below the club, and you should use postcode TQ5 8AY for your Satnav. Steps from the dinghy park will take you up to the Clubhouse.

Space is limited near the dinghy park so please be prepared to unload your boat and gear straight into the compound as quickly as possible and then remove your car to a car park or elsewhere.

Please remember to pay for your parking immediately as penalty tickets may be handed out quickly!!

Double or large trailers will need to be removed quickly to a secure site at the Cricket Club at a cost of £15 for the event. Payment will be to BYC. Directions to the Cricket Club will be available closer to the event.

If you intend to use the car parks every day it is probably cost effective to consider buying a 3 or 8 day parking permit from the Torbay council rather than pay daily. You will need to book in advance! See: https://www.torbay.gov.uk/parking/parking-permits/car-park-permits/ These permits cover most of the car parks in Torbay, but please check for yourself all the costs and conditions of parking. Note: there may be some restrictions on size relating to campervan parking.

Brixham has a range of all types of accommodation which can be found via an internet search or see: https://www.brixhamyachtclub.com/info-membership/local-accommodation. Unfortunately overnight camping in campervans is not allowed on the council car parks adjacent to the dinghy park. As mentioned above it is also worth checking about the daily parking on the adjacent Oxen Cove or Freshwater car parks as there may be some size restrictions to consider.


The Race Office will be in the Holman Room and will be open on Friday from 14.00 hrs until early evening for Registration and again on Saturday morning from 09.00 hrs. Check in as soon as you can, but definitely well before the first race which starts at 14.00 on Saturday. The Holman Room is an outside office; while climbing the steps from the dinghy compound to the clubhouse there are additional steps on your right, signposted Training and Race Office.

You need to hand in:
Your boat’s registration certificate which is retained until the end of the event, and the last buoyancy entry needs to be dated 30th August 2022 or later. If you are sailing a borrowed boat please make sure you have obtained the up to date certificate from the owner.
Any Parental Consent forms for under 18 helm or crew, plus any Medical Declaration you may wish to complete.
Also return any Trophies won last year, engraved and shiny please.

You can collect:
Sailing Instructions and any relevant instructions
Your trolley tag
Any sponsor stickers you may need
and we will also try to answer any questions you may have, or tell you who probably can!

There will be a briefing at 11.30 hrs on Saturday 26th August, please check the Official Notice Board for the location.

The Official Notices will be displayed on the window of the Holman Room.


Please get in touch if you want to know more about the event or arrangements, need a crew or need technical / measurement advise.

Brixham Yacht Club

Overgang Road, Brixham, Devon, TQ5 8AR

01803 853332

Contact: Adrian Morrall 07904 121439


Burton Week Results:

Will be posted here