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Messages - Mike

Hi James & Emma

Just thought I might do a little research on N3304

OOOps hopefully we can get a picture without a tow line next time round !!!

We did have a laugh and a little banter between us and I can`t remember what you said which is probably just as well !!! take care.

Hi Graham

Thats simple I was woken by a very noisy bird at which point I peeked out of the van window and the colour was amazing so I got up creeped out of the van went around the side of the club house and took the shot.  I then went back to bed and set the alarm for eight !!!

All in a days photography on this occasion it started a bit early.

What`s an F Stop. ;)
Hi Andy

Not from fotoboat !!! I arrived at the club late sat night, but I am sure there will be someone who took some pictures.

Mike S

This is how the day began and it just got better

Thanks again to everyone, fantastic boat but I still can`t get my head around the different tweaks and then there`s the boats which are completely different.

I think building a National 12 is a bit like making a cake your not really sure what your going to get, but once its made nobody is bothered and the sailors that make them just have great fun sailing them.

Mike Shaw

Thanks for the invite, please don`t forget // for your next big event. ;)

Mike Shaw
Midlands Sailing Photography
(In association with
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