Getting started
Welcome to the National 12 Owners' Association. This section will help you get started with Twelve sailing. It covers hints and tips on buying a 12, where to sail and gets you up to speed on the basic sailing techniques and the basic boat handling coaching tips. To help you get the most out of your Twelve sailing the Association organises many events and activities during the year, here's a quick introduction to those events and also some helpful advice for sailing a Twelve.

Enjoying Twelve Sailing
Coaching sessions - these are aimed at introducing the basics of 12 sailing and improving your skills. Sessions cover boat handling, setting up the rig, boat speed, crew work and racing tactics. There are several coaching sessions across the country (dates and venues are shown in the fixtures list), please come along and get the most out of your 12.
The National series - we organise a national series of events which aim to provide good racing and an enjoyable weekend whether you are new to racing or a seasoned open meeting sailor. These events include talks on different aspects of 12 sailing and family friendly social events. There are additional prizes for family teams, young sailors, non-foilers and none-double-bottom boats sailing for the Admirals Cup. Again check out the fixtures list to find the events near you - these events are well worth travelling for.
Regional open meetings. There are also lots of regional open meetings across the country which include both single day and weekend events. There are bound to be several near you, wherever you are in the country. Complete enough and you will qualify for the overall regional series.
The Championships - Burton Week is the annual championships. It is always a fantastic event with plenty of sailing, lots of fun off the water and prizes for the whole fleet including; new helms, lady helms, young sailors, Admirals Cup boats and many more . . . - there is a wealth of information on the class website including:
- Discussion group: ask other people in the class what they think about . . .
- Event details and reports
- Tips and tricks
- The e-mail group will keep you in touch with what's going on in the class (e.g. details of open meetings, things for sale etc). The e-mail list is moderated so you won't receive spam - you can easily join up from the website.
As an Association we are always interested to hear the views of members so if you have any ideas or comments on any aspects of the class then please contact us.
Enjoy your Twelve sailing