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Messages - Richard Pilgrim

Hi Mr Borrett

Why sail at Nottingham SC? It's a perfectly good club (and friendly too) but just up the river at Trent Valley SC we have more N12s sailing regularly. Why not contact our Fleet Captain (Paul Turner) who will give you advice and the contact details of other N12 sailors in the area?

If you're interested, get back to me and I'll contact you with further info.

07901 828207
Thanks for that lads - I guessed it might be something I was doing wrong. As it happens, I speak a bit of Norwegian and I won't hear a word against the lovely Norwegians, but you see this 'Forgot Password' everywhere - it's an Americanism, of course.

Yes, the new 'boats for sale' page might be fantastic, but how unfriendly is the 'Add an Ad' button? I might be missing the point, but I put in my email address and my password and was rejected with 'No user ID.... blah blah'. So I tried the same User Name & pwd that I use to log in to this bit, but was rejected with 'Do not recognise email address....' So, I tried using the 'Forgot Password' option (incidentally, why is this never 'Forgotten Password' which is so much better English?), but this came back with "WARNING! Unrecognized email address (or something), therefore no password has been sent." Yet this is the email address I have used for years, and one that has been used on this site before.

So, I'm either doing something wrong or this feature is about as friendly as a red-eared turtle, and access to it about as easy as getting into Fort Knox.

Mr Turner, as I (for my shame) usually sit in the front end of a Merlin in the TVSC Winter Series, I think I can safely say that your claim that you are beating ALL of the Merlins and Lasers is a tad over generous, even on handicap. Take this very last Sunday, for example....  :K)

N3445 (I think - it's so long since I sailed her, I can't remember)
Olton Mere is a super little club - I did a few open meetings there some years ago and they were always very friendly people and ran the show very efficiently. The pond isn't the biggest on the circuit, but the conditions are varied because there are a lot of trees! I have the dubious honour of capsizing there in NO WIND! Only a dingbat like me could achieve that.

N3445 Purple Turtle (which is for sale, by the way).

So glad you've found what you wanted - welcome to the class and good luck to all who sail in her (cthou cthou or whatever). You won't regret your purchase, I assure you, even if you do encounter lots of frustrations along the way (and you will, but don't worry!). I'm sorry I didn't get chance to speak to you when you were down at Trent Valley the other week - I didn't realize it was you until after you'd gone. If you want to call in at any other time, let me know. In the meantime, get out there and sail - and enjoy it!  :)

Richard Pilgrim
Angus, take more water with it next time....
General National 12 chat / Re: Low Boom
30 Jul 2006, 07:24
Take a look at your mast. It could be that it's raked too much as this would cause the stern end of the boom to point downwards. This might be caused by too much kicker or (more likely) not enough jib tension. Just an idea, but then I don't have a China Doll so I could be talking rubbish and you'll probably need to wait for advice from the Vintage Wing.

Try to get along to the Vintage meeting at Trent Valley on 23rd September. We're only down the road from you and you'll get an excellent welcome from us all here AND you can ask the best Vintage guys to take a look at Dizzy Miss Lizzie - you'll get lots of advice!

Happy sailing!

Richard Pilgrim
By "Pearl and Dean" I presume you're referring to my dear mates Dave & Jackie Hudson who, unlike some of us younger wimps who had to be rescued, merely beached their Miracle, waited for the storm to subside, then sailed back under their own steam (excuse the oxymoron) when the wind had died down slightly. Bravo! We. on the other hand, had to take doen the main under water because we just kept getting flattened otherwise, then bring up the boat and weakly ask for a tow back to shore, bleeding and bruised.

Congratulations to everyone at Hunstanton and that includes all those catching us on the beach.

What fun we had!

Richard Pilgrim

Yes, TVSC do sail on Thursday evenings - come along one night if you want a go. However, it's usually a bit frantic because we're racing and that doesn't allow much time for showing people around, so it's better to contact me (or Paul maybe) beforehand because then we can arrange not to be racing that particular evening.


Hi Jon,

Don't know if you are at Notts County (where there is more than one N12) but if you want to try sailing one at Trent Valley (with probably the longest traditions of N12 inland sailing) then you can contact me and I'll put you in touch with Paul Turner our Class Rep. Email me on if you like.

Hi Dare

James Ferguson said he would be sailing 'Steam' if he can find a crew. What a pity I won't see it (I'm away next weekend yachting - tch).

I've just had it on good authority (Nigel) that Blithfield is definitely cancelled for 3rd but there will be an alternative. Details from Nigel to follow.
