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Messages - Tornado

Kingsbridge downtown was awash apparently. Dad smashed his landrover against the Newbridge slipping on the flotsam & Jetsom, (whilst returning from the boat at Frogmore, trying to overtake a double-decker bus! :o:-/). Luckily noone hurt, (silly old B*g**r).  Even luckier, boat was fairly high up on the yard and dry, so didn´t drift or lift.
We saw some pictures last night on German telly, not so good :-/. Anyone got news of Salcombe? Dad didn´t have much of an idea, now not being mobile...
Got to change my handle... It´s so tacky.
Quote from: 86I've heard it suggested that 10-30% is nearer 5.....

I´ve also heard it suggested that some people rely on hearsay.....
Seriously, we´re really up in arms against this. Imagine you are not allowed to do what you have been doing for the past few years. Ok. forget the word "National". We feel like the old 505ers and FD´s. But the problem is that ALL multihulls are not going to be designated as "official equipment". Instead they´ll put in kitesurfers.... (and flying deckchairs?:P)
Have a heart Lukiepie - we´re all sailors and the ISAF does appear to have exceedingly large amount of spondooligs to throw about.
You know who I am.....
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