National 12

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Messages - brian kitching

Having just removated my National N1657 for the second time I have again used sugar.

Last time I applied this to the interior battens and a strip along the side decks, these worked well and the extra thickness of varnish on the batten stopped the wood from becoming bare on these high wear area.

To apply, mask off the desired area, with varnish still wet sprinkle whe sugar onto the surface and leave to dry. Apply a second coat of varnish to build up the 'rough surface, and do not drush out the varnish.
When sailing the boat the first couple of times the sugar gets dissolved away leaving a rough finish that does last. there is no damage to the boat or the sailing gear.

I have never used sand, but would have thought it would damage sail gear and always finding loose particles in the bottom of the boat scratching the rest of the varnish.

Hope this is of used
Brian Kitching
N3439 and N1657
Fellow Sailors.
For the first time, Frampton on Severn Sailing Club are holding a N12 open (Avon SC will not be holding a N12 event, we are near by). I hope to get sufficient numbers to persuade the club to continue this event and as such am keen to get good support, if you are available please attend.

The details of the open:-    
20th May, this is a SW area event.
Race Brief 10:30.
First race start 11:00, Second back to back.
Lunch. Third race approx 14:00.

Web site for direction and club info, else contact me my number is on the N12 programme.

If you are planning to come, please post an answer or phone so I have an idea of numbers, thank you.
Hope to see you there

Brian Kitching
N3439 and N1657
I restored 1657 a Jack Holt Chimp and I now sail in Vintage series, it a minority section of the whole fleet, but when we meet (4-7 boats) we usually have a good race. The vintage section are friendly and racing is more towards "gentlemens sailing".
When you get your boat sorted or feel you would like to meet us, why not come to one of our meetings, I would suggest Earlswood Lakes.
Give me a ring.
Best regards
Brian Kitching N1657 and 3439 (I sail the modern circuit as well) number in handbook