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Topics - James Taylor

Hi all

what is the best way to make a N12 sail in short sharp chop was sailing around the chop the best we could but had a lot of sea saw action any ideas would be great . :)

N3304 Up For Sale
General National 12 chat / Foils
01 Dec 2006, 11:48
Morning All

Need some help !!

Does anybody know or have heard of Stanley Thomas Foils, Any good, what are they like?

Did the old Google and nothing showed up. ??)


N3304 & N3402
Just A quick note to say well done to Janet for rerceiving her award.
Photo's of the night are on the link below.

Well Done Janet :D

James and Emma
N3304 & N3402
Need some help please anyone going to the Inland and then the open Meeting in Salcombe please let me know as I am trying to get a mast down from P&B.  And being Way down west  ??) is proving to be a bit of a problem.

Number is in the Book


James & Emma
3402 & 3304
Morning all

There are some P&B Sails on Ebay link Below willm have to cut and paste


James & Emma
3304 & 3402
General National 12 chat / Angell Masts
04 Sep 2006, 04:24
Afternoon All

Has anybody got an up to date Phone no. for Angell Masts as the No. on the new boats link doesn't work get a Balance Part Place   :-/

Thanks All

See you at Starcross

3304 & 3402
Morning all thanks for eveybodys advice as went up to Thrapston over the weekend and returned with another N12 3402. ;D ;D ;D

Got a few small jobs to do before we go sailing, But got to get some practice in before burton week now. 8)

See you all in 6 weeks in Sunny (fingers crossed) Cornwall ;D ;D

James & Emma

3304 & 3402
Hi all does anyone know much about 3402 I have been in contact with steve and woundered if anyone knows much about the boat and how she gets on. As cannot find any results for her any were.

Hi all

Wondering weather anyone knows of a Carbon mast going cheapish for a AC boat or a rough cost for a new one.

Also I am on the look out for a better set of sails ideally newer that 2001 in good condition.
Thanks you can email me at or number is in the book.

James 3304
General National 12 chat / Dinghy Show
05 Mar 2006, 07:16
So anyone go today hope there was lots of people around the 12's stand couldn't make it as was on call. :(

James N3304
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