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Topics - Jimbo41

Looking in the Tuning Guide, I notice that the table of preferred values for rig tensions for Alverbanks sails are 200-250lbs measured on the forestay (page 13). Theoretically then, I'd need a long ladder or garage roof overhanging  branch or... in order to measure the rig tension, since the Dacron jib is in the way lower down.

Any ideas how to get round this problem? Or should I give up and just put as much jib tension on  as I feel appropriate (somewhat alchemistic approach - pass the Philosopher's stone, would you?)

Jim N3130 (Well wood)
Hi Folks!

Can anyone tell me in terms of construction what makes a Final Chapter / Man'O War design a good weight carrier (if at all)? Are they better at this than other 12's?

Jim N3130 (Wood - definitely a connoisseur's choice)
Hi peeps!

Rumours abound about a possible further decrease in Minimum weight rule.

 I know I'm not "down to weight"  myself but am personally a little bit worried   :-/ 'cos I want to stay with wood - It'll go "boing" but won't crack like an eggshell and repairs are relatively easy to do oneself without having to inhale too much nasty gubbins. No offense Mike & Co.  ;)

Can anyone confirm/deny what's in the offing?

Jim (N3130 - Nuttyshell, Wood is Good)

Hi Folks!
Here's the link for all you Vintage fans out there.

Jim N3130 (Plastic's not so fantastic)
Hi folks!
Thought better of poaching, so time to start a new thread  ;)

How's about a tutorial DVD for the class? In my opinion it would make a valuable supplement to anything that's written down at the moment. It wouldn't have to be as cheezy or as flashy as "BREEZE ON" though.

Contents on tuning, equipment and measurement, as well as the best ways of tacking and jibing under different conditions and do's and don'ts (especially at reggattas) would be great for beginners like me, who still aspire to taking part in BW next year (we're coming to get you Tom   ;) ;) ;))

This type of medium would not increase demand on bandwidth for videostreaming  and would certainly enhance those off-season evenings, when all there is on the box is Eastenders & Co.

Realising such an undertaking won't happen overnight, and excusing myself in advance for my overt greenhorn enthusiasm, it would be interesting to know if anyone else out there thinks the same?

Jim N3130 (No quarter for plastic fantastics)
Hi folks!

AC N3176 is for sale. Price 300 SQUID..

I'm not selling....

Jim N3130 (No quarter for plastic fantastics)
Hi folks!

AC N3176 is for sale. Price is REALY 300 Humpback whales

And I'm definitely NOT selling Nuttyshell....

Jim N3130 (No quarter for plastic fantastics)
Hi folks!

Touchstone - N2340 is for sail on ebay. She looks quite good...


Jim N3130
Hi everyone!

With our (ahem) 26 stone combined weight, we automatically qualify for the "Tubbers Trophy"  :D
I'm starting to loose weight, but am a realist  :-/. We're not looking to sell our Tigress Nutty Shell, but are looking for a yot to add to the "German Fleet" that will carry (more than a little) more weight.

Mike Jackson said on the telephone yesterday that the only realistic thing would be to acquire a double-bottie Final Chapter. That way, with diminishing pounds (in both senses of the words) we'd be able to get just that little bit more lift to make a difference.

What do you jolly sailors think?

Jim N3130

Hi All!
Coming over to see the fleet race at Burton Week. Unfortunately, Nuttyshell has to stay at home...the drive would exhaust her.. so we're without a boat.  :'(

We want to just pop over for the day on the 22nd. for the Sir William Burton Cup itself and meet you all.

If it gets too "late" (hic!) to get back to Kingsbridge does anyone know if there's a nearby pub doing B&B or even B&B without a pub? Telephone number would also be a great help. It's difficult doing things long-distance even with the internet.

See you all in ( hopefully) sunny Cornwall!  8)

Jim, Martina and Emma B.

Hi folks!

I am currently putting together a proposal to my club committee about a possible international 12 event on the Ammersee Bavaria, Germany. The idea is to incorporate 12 sailing into the local regatta event scene as well as giving anyone who wants try crewing  a 12 the opportunity to do so. we have a strong Junior and Senior regatta section (420's, FD, Dart 18s, Tornados, Hobbies and Windys) and the kids learn in Optimists.

That's the club website. The view of the alps is really breathtaking at times.

We're situated on the edge of the Alps and get the corresponding changeable winds, from stormy to calm. wind changes are the norm here, which is why so many practice chess on the lake and it is a real challenge to win. In the spring to summer months we have active handicap and class racing with the other 8+ clubs on the lake. Last year we were champs, but it varies.

Food (also Veggie) and beer's good here and social and cultural too. Southern Germany is very relaxed and people like to enjoy themselves. For kids there's lots to do in the area, so I'm planning on integrating things like visits to Munich Zoo, Legoland and the German Museum. We'd also do our best with Babysitting on the lakeside.....

As for transport, one (or more) multiple boat trailers would be a possibility, since I believe Kevin Iles has one or two contacts for that. Easyjet or the equivalent for people, naturally. Here transport is either efficient public or I'd get hold of a couple of minibusses.

Times of year and duration. Well, we start in April, so there's Easter Hols, June Half term, (corresponds to our Club championship and a long distance regatta), end of August/start of september. We fold up around mid October, since the Winter starts drawing near. This year I hope to do some more Ice-Sailing..... :D

So how's about it? This would be an ideal opportunity to promote the 12...(Think international and perhaps we'll make it long-term). Then I can suggest to Anthony to come over and race the bavarian 12 fleet   ;D

Give me some (positive?) feedback/numbers/dates. Then I can start the ball rolling slowly...

Cheers :D

Jim N3130

Hi folks!

On a less tacky point, can anyone advise on the use of glass tissue to repair a leaky transom? Apparently, some time in the past N3130 ran aground in shallows with the fixed rudder (ouch!) and the transom was subsequently repaired. Now the boat's showing her age and the cracks have opened up again.

My intention is to strip the transom and devarnish her and afterwards apply 2 layers of West Epoxy-soaked fibreglass tissue of about 80-120 g / sqm both sides. Would this be enough to stop the leaks and restore the mechanical properties of the transom, since she also has two stainless steel plates inside bolted using the rudder fitting screws?

Jim N3130
Hi folks!
After having got kitted out with a new set of Alverbanks, We noticed in a handicap regatta meeting that we weren't able to point nearly as well as all the other boats - the jib was backing the mainsail and also killing far too soon. Someone from the race committee with no previous experience with 12s suggested that our jib was too "baggy". Since I haven't had the boat for that long and have not yet attempted to tune it,  I was wondering whether other factors might have come into play. The Mast's a proctor C, she's a Tigress 3130 and she's got a mast ram but no lowers. To be honest, I also have the feeling that the outhaul can't cope with the length of the mainsail foot  from clew to "thingy".  There's nothing more frustrating than going out with the intention to win and ending up 14th out of 16 boots, half of which are classes which you should be able to thrash were the boat correctly tuned  >:(

Any help would be gratefully received. Good sailing to you all  :D

Jim N3130 (Nutty Shell)
Scenario: Winds force 4-5, gusting 6. Tigress rolls to lee (with us asleep) and glug! in the drink we go. She fills with water, and we can (just) make it back to tip her out and start again.
She has rear flaps and self bailers, but in truth she was so full aft that water just kept comming in. Seems like she is rear-heavy when this happens. Is there any technique to get enough water out of an AC bote so that she can rise up high enough to prevent further water ingress so that the self-bailers have a chance of doing the rest?

Or do I have to dig deep and get a double-bottomed boat for these conditions?  

Jim 31130
Great initiative!

Come on you fellow N12 sailors - dig deep and know you're doing something positive! Angela has collected 45 quid in sponsor money and only wants to get to 100 quid - we could do that (and more) with just quids in from all of us!

What do you think? Do I hear the sound of wallets creaking open and the crack of plastic on formica tabletops......?  :K) :K) :K) :K) :K)

Jim N3130  
Just been browsing and seen "Cool Runnings" for sale in Ebay....

At the mo there are two bidders @ 350 quid....... Hmmmmmmm.

Jim  N3130.
I had been dreading this day. The overboom cover for my Tigress had finally become so full of rips and tears that no amount of tail tape would close the gaps.

Noting that in GERMANY everything tailor-made for sailing is (almost) as expensive as the membership fee of a first-class golfclub, I decided to bite the bullet and go online to Pinnell & Bax. In order to clarify the situation regarding their N12 overboom covers, I rang their number and talked to Richard. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that they still have templates for many of the older designs, Tigresses included! So, with credit card in hand, the deal was done.
I now await a somewhat large parcel on my doorstep, hopefully earlier than in the season of him with the white beard and red jacket with matching trousers (blessed be his name to all children under the age of eight).

So, fellow admirals, if you wish to look flashy whilst going for the Burton, take note...

Jim N3130

(Richard, I might add, although an Enterprise sailor, has the redeeming quality of being a closet 12 admirer, especially owing to Tom Stuart's latest acquisition. Mayhaps we have the making of a convert..... ;D)
Hi folks!

If the lake's frozen over, how do you pass the time?
Answer: go ice sailing! Yesterday I managed 60 Knots in a DN (Detroit News 5 Sqm sail on 3 runners, carbon mast and boom) on a broad reach of 1.5 Km. ..... Amazing!!! Ok. it's not the same as sailing, but it is fun...You don't notice how fast you are going until you check the GPS.... ;D

To see what our lake looks like go here:

Jim N3130

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