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General National 12 chat / Class Flag?
30 Mar 2007, 09:30
Which flag do the 12s usually start with - or does it change?  N = the abandonment flag!!

Obviously I've failed to recognise the flags used at different opens before  :B


With around 60 boats on the 2nd hand market at the moment is this good news for the Class?  Seems many of the older vintage can't be given away and quite a few older ACs which are also not shifting.

Good news I suppose more boats to choose from and good entry point for the class.
Would be interesting to find out why selling - are they staying with 12s or giving up to other Classes, of course circumstances change.
If we are to keep good publicity for 12s in Y&Y then we need at least 15 entries for an event (or maybe we just make up the names???) - see article on the web and a note below.  How do you have Nat, Euro or Worlds with les than 15 boats????????????

How do we get the entires up to 15 or how does Y&Y know we didn't have 15 there (will they be spying on all Clubs???)


We welcome your reports from open events, but have increased the entry to 15 or more boats for inclusion in the magazine. All reports submitted must include details of the entry numbers and we will assume that any without this information are below 15. This change DOES NOT affect national, European or world championships, where we will publish the event report regardless of entries.
Thnaks for all those involved in putting together the new database.  Lets hope we can track down all the boats and get some history on each - added my 2 penneth worth (only had 2 so far)....
Seasons greetings one and all - I've asked Santa for a clone of myself so I can be at work / home and still be off sailing the 12 - not sure it'll work though  :-/

Here's looking forward to lots of 12 sails out on the water in 07.

Kean & Sons
Can anyone post to the Y&Y site - someone posted saying looking for a boat smaller than an Ent to sail with their 7 year old daughter- this should be prime N12 territory - one 'issue' maybe is they want low maintenance.....

Maybe we could post our N12 survey via that forum too for extra publicity / responses too.

FYI - I can't post there for some reason from work address.

Thanks & Merry Christmas,


PS - OOPs Rick has already posted the 12 survey there - but a reply to mr magno would help.  We have one at our Club - pants sailor / boat but i bet on handicap ssailed reasonably well would clean up!!
Apparently (heard on Radio 2 factoids) the most commonly requested patent document is for Sardine Flavoured Ice Cream - is it true????

I now work for a new Company Alcatel-Lucent (no 1 global Telecoms Co) - any one using my email address please update to kgunton 'at'  Old one should work for 3 months or so from now.


 This is a bit of an old chestnut, but I think the main reason was that the people who fitted the rotating daggerboards were considered to be a bit anarchic and were not acting within the spirit of the rule.  Ironically those young turks included John Sears, Dave Peacock, Mike Hoyle and myself, who are probably considered to be the more establishment figures today!

The idea was a good one, although the systems did increase the complexity of the boats slightly, the daggerboards made the boats rock steady downwind and gybing, but would knock up if you grounded, which was in our opinion the intention of the rule.  The real downside was if you did an involuntary gybe with the daggerboard up, but then this is the same with any daggerboard.


Am rather intrigued by this - seems an innovative solution to getting around the problem of being able to 'rotate' a daggerboard.  Would this be quite easily retrofitted into the standard CB slot we have now?  Seems to offer 'best' of both worlds - although a gybe with DB up would be a problem.  Maybe we were and still are stick in the muds about changes??

Y&Y have an ad for a Tigress being sold from Bristol - the pic looks like its at BCYC club house.  Anyone know the number / owner?

Looks in nice condition too.

Just wanted some advice - have 3 fairly good main sails but the jibs are all older and general consensus is they need repalcing first.  The 3 mains are all different makes, Musto, Rowsell (I think) and P&B - the boom measurement shows my max jib size allowed.  Does it matter that I swap the mains around - do I need to tell the new sail maker any other details to help get best result? Probably going to P&B for their current 15% discount.

OR should I hold on and try to get a more recent set of 2nd hand sails??

Have some funds but new set is too much right now (even with discount).


After our taking the waters and then our mast breaking - we had very little boat damage (thanks to good rescue crew) - however the end of the mast went through my dry suit, under suit and some of my knee.

Its a Typhoon breathable suit (2 seasons old) - so any suggestion s/ recommendations on how to get it fixed up?  Is it a diy job or best left to professionals?

Not promoting the Lark Class but I do think there's value in having a register / history of our boats a sort of where are they now.  Cherubs have a similar listing too and quite nicely done (interactive).

Grazz - any ideas on how we could web enable the list - you added some smart new training stuff and a dynamic history would be a useful marketing tool in many ways.


Earlier this year the Lark Class launched the Lark Register to trace all the Larks still in existence. To date this search has proved very fruitful with over 320 registered boats and has helped generated a huge amount of interest in the Lark Class.

One of the many positives to come from the Lark Register has been the increase in activity in the second hand market with a number of older Larks that had not been sailed for some time now having new homes. We still have a long list of potential new Lark owners so this is a perfect time to sell!
can anyone provide an email address for Brian - need to send him some information on SW events etc.


FYI - 3290 Dr De Soto has been found alive and well at SCSC.

Painted red - but white below waterline - still looks in good nick - just peeked under the cover.

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