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Topics - paul turner


Staunton Harold is a fine pond with great facilites but they have no N12s - two friends have been running the N12 open meeting as a special favour to me for several years. However with the numbers being a bit on the low side last year and in 2012 they have expressed the strong hope that there will be a good turnout this year (for totally reasonable financial and political reasons!).

Two stalwarts of this meeting (namely me still recovering from surgery) and A N Other will not be able to sail this year so I really need to know asap who is planning to turn up and compete.

Please email and/or post. If the numbers are too low we will have to look at cancelling. :-/

Px 8)

It looks as though we may have two, possibly three, vintage N12s going to North West Norfolk Week this year. I will be taking Dolly Daydream N2487 again and John Sears will be borrowing China Doll N2403 plus negotiations are underway with a well known N12 sailing couple to lend them Starfish N2020 for the week (wife to helm!)

Would anyone else like to come out to play? Shotgun N2359 certainly available to lend out.

NWNW is great fun!

Px 8) N1650, N2020, N2359, N2399, N2403, N2487 et al
Greetings All!

Forgive the pun, but I am "testing the water" for any interest in running an event for 4 plank N12s, a group of N12s which seems to have been overlooked in the past. We do have a 4P category at the Trent Valley September open meeting but with the apparent success of the Vintage Champs what about one for the "Forgotten Fours"?

One thought is that it might possible to run a Four Plank champs alongside the Vintage Champs with the same series of six races over a weekend (Derwent Handicap on the Saturday and scratch on the Sunday) with 4P starts five minutes before the vintage?

Four plank designs will include Paper Darts, Cheshire Cats, Windfalls, Pipedreams, but the inclusion of the still competitive Final Chapters and Man o Wars might unbalance things? :o

Interested in your comments! If there is sufficent interest, we would need to start planning now!

RVSP soonest
Px N2750 Cheshire Cat 8)
Greetings All!

I am delighted to report that the N12 VINTAGE WORLD INLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS are to be held at Foremark Reservoir, South Derbyshire, courtesy of Burton Sailing Club on the weekend of 29th/30th June 2013.

Vintage definition = wooden and clinker (not the age of the helm or crew!)

The event details are being worked up at the moment but may well include three Derwent Handicap races on the Saturday, a nostalgic magic lantern show on the Saturday night, concours judging, and three races on the Sunday with separate trophies for clinker and ribbed boats - but any other suggestions are welcome!

To help with planning, please let us know if you intend joining us for this new event on the N12 calendar - and whether you will be sailing, watching or would like to borrow a vintage boat to sail. Please post here or email me direct. Px :K)
General National 12 chat / Jean Goddard
18 Oct 2012, 10:51
As many of you will know, Ken Goddard's wife, Jean, has been battling cancer for some years; sadly Jean passed away peacefully at the Royal Hospital Derby on Tuesday evening.

Ken has asked me to pass on the funeral arrangements on Monday 5th November 2012 which are:

13:30 Service at All Saints Church, Mickleover

14:15 Cremation at Markeaton Crematorium

"Wake" at the Mackworth Hotel, Derby

If you would like to contact Ken, please email him at:] or]

I'm sure we would all like to express to Ken our sincerest condolences.
A quick reminder to all vintage yot sailors - the Shotgun Trophy, which is normally competed for at the Burton, is being sailed for at the SUMMER EVENT at Leigh & Lowton 25/26th August - prizes for the first three places. Be there aged yotters! Px :K)
Which are N12 heritage boats?
Do we know where they are?
Do we know who owns them?
What condition are they in?
What should we, as a class, be doing to track them?

As a class we have heritage, envied by many other newer and/or one design classes - so perhaps we should be indentifying and tracking down these yots so that they are not lost to the class? And helping to preserve them? Let me start off the debate - Heritage boats ie those we should make every effort as a class or as individuals to preserve:

1. The first of each significant design, or if no longer available, the best example.

2. Boats famous for their helms, the trophies won etc - "Mr Jones" "Whisper"and "China Doll" would count on both counts?

3. Unusual or experimental boats such as "Four Square" - perhaps "Shotgun" and "Perfect Kiss" might qualify here?

There has been some discussion as to how the website database might be expanded (with minimum effort) to log these boats - but we should have definition (and a hit list) before we start! Ken Goddard has already done lots of work on tracking down vintage boats, Ed, Chadders and Gattiman know where some are, I have a few design firsts at home, and we know where N1 to N3 are, but what about the Four Plankers and more modern boats? I think we know where "Cheshire Cat" "Crusader" and the first Baggy are?

Over to you.....! Px :K)
Greetings - The current rough proposal for next year's vintage event is:

2 day weekend event during the warmer months (avoiding other major N12 open meetings/events) to be held on a suitably large pond in Derbyshire.

Saturday - Derwent style 3 pursuit races (all to count)  first race is scratch and the second and third are pursuit based on the times for the first race.

Sunday - 3 open races, possibly split into separate sections eg ribbies, novices/experienced (other constructive ideas welcome) but would depend on numbers attending.

Perhaps a junior race, concours judging, suitable evening entertainment, past Burton winner shoot-out?
Kevan is currently sussing out potential venues and dates - and we will report back in due course.

Whether we move the Shotgun Trophy to this event for 2013 and/or look for sponsorship or include as part of the Witchcraft series awaits your thoughts.

Ideas/constructive suggestions welcome - please - because we want this to be as inclusive as possible.
Px :K)
Only four vintage boats entered for this year's Burton Champs at Hayling Island, and you will have seen from the results they only got out to sail in one race due to the testing weather and sea conditions. Of the four, N1657 suffered a broken mast, N2335 suffered some internal damage and (embarassingly) we had to be rescued. Onshore there was much debate about the continuing viability and wisdom of sailing vintage boats 40+ years old on the open sea.

An initial suggestion was made that we should consider holding an annual inland vintage championship in 2013 as a new event to encourage the many older vintage sailors to partcipate - indeed, some of the "fast boys" might also wish to borrow an old wooden yot to join in. Perhaps even some former N12 sailors might be tempted back to sail their old boats if the commitent is only for a weekend?

Concerns were raised that this could split the class and devalue the National Championships. However we already have a separate Vintage series (the Witchcraft Bailer) and the number of clinker boats at the Burton is likely to decline more as they (and their helms) age.

As there was not sufficent sailing for the Shotgun Trophy this year it was mutually proposed by the vintage sailors present at Hayling Island, that it be carried forward to be raced for as part of the Leigh & Lowton Summer Event meeting at the end of August (subject to the approval of the NTOA committee, GILL and Leigh & Lowton SC). I am copying this to the "powers that be" for hopefully a positive reponse for 25/26 August.

As regards 2013, Kevan has identified what appears to be an eminently suitable reservoir venue in Derbyshire, readily accessable from all directions of travel. We just need sufficient expressions of support to move this forward.

Speaking for myself, I will go to the Burton next year to help but not to sail (although I MAY take a boat to sail just the Burton Cup race only). I see this proposal as a positive development for the class and I hope that you do too!
Paul 8)
As those of you who know me, I am rarely ever lost for words but the presentation of the Decanter Trophy to me at the Burton dinner last week left me struggling to express how honoured and humbled I was to receive such an award from the Class - "gob-smacked" I wuz!
I will repeat my thanks to the "Old Dragon" (her outdoors) for putting up with so many boats laid up at the farm in barns and workshops in various states of restoration (and the hours spent bimbling rather than doing farming things) - however, in defense, her two horses do make make my vintage N12 restoration campaign look cheap on time and money!
I do hope that the revived Midland Area Rivers & Ponds series plus the NWNW blogs continue to encourage an increasing number of club and new N12 sailors to join in.
There will be more elsewhere about the vintage fleet, but I will sign off by thanking the Class for this amazing award.
Paul (started crewing N12s in 1959!)
I am delighted to report that N2403 China Doll has now joined the "Turner Collection" courtesy of Nick Hoar, collected from Ranelagh SC on Saturday. I will post more on the database in due course but if anyone has any photos (especially of original set up/internal layout) or other info (such as original colour, how built - appears to be professional hull (Rowsell) and ameteur decking) please email soonest. Paul :K)
We have been offered the opportunity of holding a SATURDAY N12 open meeting at Staunton Harold SC in Derbyshire (which could be added to the Midland Area series). No dates yet discussed.
I would appreciate feed back on this soonest - it is a fab club with excellent facilities/water; suggest check it out online.
Also wondered if there was any interest in re-starting the Midand Area team racing? Three boats per team, but to make it fairer teams to consist of one DB, one AC and one Vintage (or lesser combinations such as 2xAC and vintage, or 1 xDB and two vintage). Possibly a "round robin" on one specific day, perhaps at Staunton Harold?
RSVP asap! Px :K)
Is it me or are the series tie breaker rule unfair and illogical?
Boat A scores three thirds at an open meeting but boat B, who gets one 2nd and 2 fourths beats him overall - the rule says that if the best two scores are equal you ignore the discard and list the results when they sailed against each other and at the first break the best one wins - in this case boat A, even though his discard is better and he has beaten boat B twice will lose on a 3rd against boat B's 2nd. Boat B could have a retirement or "did not bother turning up" and will still win.
I am sure there is a logic to this rule for SERIES but it makes no sense to me for individual open meetings.
OK - confession time :'( this has just happened to me at Midland yesterday but I have seen this injustice several times since the new rules came in in 2009. Who do we write to make representations before they re-issue after 2013?
Does anyone else agree or am I a lone voice?
Baffled of Breaston :K)
"I don't believe it" but N2487 Dolly Daydream is actually leading the Midland Area series with Tom White , Geoffrey Camm and Graham Camm four points behind joint second - full interim results posted elsewhere.
So polish your bottoms and sharpen your danglies and make certain that you get to the final MAAT weekend on Saturday 15th OLTON MERE and Sunday 16th MIDLAND SC!
Px :K)
I am pleased to advise that MIDLAND SC will be holding an N12 open meeting on SUNDAY 16th OCTOBER 2011 as an additional qualifier for the MIDLAND AREA - more info later but please get the date into your diaries now so we can arrange a big turnout for this new N12 fixture!
And this also means that the MAAT prize giving will not be at Hykeham on Sunday 26th September!
Px :K)
<font size="3">After the demise of Alverbank Sails (and Alverbanks under Stuart’s ownership) Kevan Bloor has decided that, rather than let the Championship winning designs go to waste, he would pass his National Twelve patterns on to Jim Hunt and Andy Davis at Speed Sails. Jim and Andy have a huge reputation in the sailmaking world and were please to get involved with the Class. They will be producing both the Championship winning Laminate design as well as the Classic Dacron design for older boats.
All Kevan’s N12 patterns are now with Jim and Andy and N12 sail production will start in January; Kevan will remain in charge of overseeing design and quality control. </font>
Kevan and I hope that you will give Speeds the support that you gave to Alverbanks Sails over the years and that you will be keen to continue with the successful Alverbank design to be produced by Speed Sails.
So what do you know about Speeds? Although new to the N12s, Speed Sails have a long standing reputation for top class competitive sails for a number of other classes including Merlin’s, Solo’s. Fireball’s, GP’s and Enterprises etc.  Contact them via their website </font>
And a Happy Christmas and a fab yotting New Year to you all!</font>
Greetings - Sunday 12 September is Trent Valley's mega-open meeting with separate series of 3 races for Vintage yots (qualifying for the Witchcraft Bailer) and all 4P,AC and DB boats (separate prizes) all counting as the last of the Midland Area Armada Trophy ("Rivers & Ponds" series 2010) - how could you possible miss this one??????? :)
Three vintage have already entered, namely Brian Herring N1673 (Mk 4a), Martin Clarke (Starfish) and Graham Camm (N2399 Mr Jones) plus two Trent Valley boats being probably Dave & Tricia in their Paradigm (although we have a vintage fall back from the Turner Collection ready in case the new rudder doesnt appear in time!) and James Clarke in my Microclipper. 8)
Please let me know if you are joining us to sail (or just watch/gossip) to help with catering etc.
Paul (still out of action!):K) 07710 324 800 or email">
Does any one have, or can they tell me where to buy, a spreader bracket for an old style Proctor C section mast? The Super Spar equivalent is too big and the rivets would stick into the slot for the sail/catch the bolt rope. Would appreciate urgent responses as I am trying to get Mr Jones servicable for Mr Camm to sail at the TVSC Open/Vintage meeting 12th September - and this is the final bit to be sorted! Paul 07710 324800 or
Does anyone know where "one" can get the old fashioned/original gold and black transfers for boat names? I know that several old yot owners have been fretting over this! Px :K)
The more I read about T Foils the more confused I am getting! However, having seen the difference that this kit made to Graham's speed at TVSC in a modest breeze over a very short distance paced against a Foolish and Paradigm2 has convinced me to look further at this. The latest thoughts and discussions seem to be posted as follows:

I am looking to retro fit to N3157 but the issues seem to be as follows:

1. The transom will need to be significantly strengthened.
2. The current production foils do not yet appear to be strong enough (noting the various failures at the Burton) but I understand that the players are now working on this?
3. No clear guidance/preference on depth of T on size/design.
4. Moving the blade rather than the whole stock looks at first sight to be a simpler solution but has few followers and apparently technical agruements against (too complicated for a simple soul such as I!)
5. Control lines are favoured over twist grips? The latter are difficult to operate when sitting back?
6. No standard retro packages yet available?
An idiots guide would be gretly apprecaited! Px :K)
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