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Topics - philipcosson

I purposely moved to this class because it was aftmain. To give more room in the boat and because  I learn't this way.

Just got this off another thread:

"... I understand that the Dutch Sailing Authority are now reluctant to support the Mirror as a Junior Class because they have medical evidence that the aft sheeting system ,because of the twisting posture, can damage backs and knees. I have heard that the RYA was also concerned because some similar evidence from the Topper Class, which of course now permits centremains."

What could this evidence be? Could the RYA be "concerned" for us? or is it just Kids classes?
Great news that the inland champs will be a my home club (scaling dam). Even better that they are on 30th Sept-1st October, plenty of time to practice.

Do you have to qualify to enter? how many races and where?


Philip & Joel


I'm new to the class (any class in fact!) and would like to come to the regatta in may.

I'm trying to arrange holidays.

When on Saturday must we be there, ready to sail? Do we have to have bouancy test and measure done beforehand? Will we be racing more than once each day? How many races will count, and how many can be discarded?

I have two non sailing family members who don't drive to think about. Is there any land based activities arranged? Is there any public transport from Pitsford to the town centre? Can non-racing non association members join in any activities on the day or evening?

When does the racing begin each day, finish each day and what happens in the evening? Is it OK to come, race and go back home without engaging in evening activity? Can we leave the boat rigged at the club these days?

Sooo many questions.


Mr Blue Sky (nee Seawitch)

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