National 12

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Topics - John Meadowcroft

Dear all

I am sad to let you know that Andrew Turner, NTOA Class Chairman 1984-1986 died on 26th May.  Andrew built many 12s, led the celebrations forthe Class' 50th anniversary in 1986 and produced a "Boat Building Book" to help guide an inspire amateur wood builders.  Andrew remained an Associate Member of the Class having sold his las 12.

I am sure that many of you will have memories of some good times sailing 12s with and against Andrew.

John Meadowcroft
Dear all

I am considering getting a new 12 built in the Autumn.  This is the time to start a build process if you are interested.  One of the best ways to get a 12 built is as part of a batch as it inevitably makes the process more attractive for a builder.  I would like to know if there are any people interested in being involved in a build process (potential purchasers and builders!) which would start in September with the boats to be ready by the end of February 2008

If you are interested please let me know so that we can discuss further and make something happen.  If you want to get an idea for the costs that this may involve please refer to either Aardvark or Pinnell & Bax websites/catalogues.  

Please can you give me an indication as to the existing design that you are interested in and any preference (or not) for a builder.

I would intend to then report back privately to each respondent the details of the interest received (initially without identifying the potential purchasers) so that we then might be able to form some groups to approach some builders.

Let me know what you think.

mail to   john 'at'

I will send an email to everyone on the national12 mailing list when I work out how to do this.
General National 12 chat / Second hand
13 Mar 2007, 11:37
This is new on the for sale board

this is 3116  -  a street legal that is for sale at a bargain price.  This could be so much fun for someone getting in to 12 sailing.  I saw the boat sailing at Salcombe last summer - Mark, the guy who did all the work on it and is now selling, gave me some carbon to fix my rudder stock after I had run aground again.  Top man.

Someone must be able to offer this boat a home!  Alternatively Mark could consider the new girlfriend approach - I am sure that this is something that he has already considered though.

otherwise for those with more cash, there are 2 design 8s, one of them carbon and double bottomed going at very attractive prices.

have a look at the list!

Dear all

The NTOA will be exhibiting at the RYA Dinghy Show at Alexandra Palace on 3/4 March.  Our stand will feature a brand new Feeling Foolish being built for Kevin Iles by P&B.  The boat is from a new builder to the Class.  Come and visit and be first in line to place an order for one!

Any volunteers to help man our stand, please email me on john 'at' or phone - number is in the book.

Thanks to those who have already volunteered, I shall be in touch.

In order to time future Burton Weeks I am trying to get an understanding of school summer holiday dates.  It has been suggested to me that there is a gradual shift with the dates with the holiday starting earlier in July and finishing as early as August in some cases.

Oliver is going to a pre school and his holiday dates for 2007 are Friday 20 July to Monday 3 September.  It looks like he goes back the first monday after the august bank holiday.  We have no details for 2008.

Please can you give me any indication of dates for 2008 in particular.  A top class venue has been offered  for Burton Week - they can do either of 2 weeks - being the last full week in July and the week bridging July and August.  I fear that the latter week will be Norfolk Week (I do not intend to organise a clash) but am also concerned that the former week may be a clash with school term which I do not want either.  

Please can you let me know by posting here.

General National 12 chat / Seahorse
11 Aug 2006, 10:13
Dear all

Regretably there will no Guy Fawkes open meeting at Middle Nene SC this year.  The Club remains supportive of the Class and we are hoping to be able to arrange future events.

MNSC will now start their frostbite series on 6 November.  We understand that this is open to allcomers and is sailed on a handicap basis.  We intend to go along on the 6th and participate.  There will be 2 races, first race scheduled for 1230.  Let us know if you are thinking of coming along.

John & Katy Meadowcroft