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During BW - one of my decks got slightly gashed - my local boat repairer in village thought he had some stuff but just moved hose and binned some of the bits - see his post below (CVDRA forum).

If anyone has something suitable let me know here - post to me is OK.



Having thrown away all my scrappy bits of ply when we moved, I now find I am in need of an 8"x3" offcut of stripy Sepele ply (like Robbins Tiger elite)in 4mm to do a repair on a very pretty N12 deck.
If anyone has a piece, please could they post it to me? I'll obviously refund postage and cost of wood (or a pint next time I see you...). Please email me and I'll give you my address.
Saltash seemed to be quite a strong location in the past but we don't seem to have any active forumites or Saltash boats going to any events.

Anyone know any active 12 sailors we could contact?



I got a login to the SmartGroup site but can't find the national12 group anywhere - which group shoul d I be looking for???


Had discussion at Starcross on Sunday (no racing  :'() - thought it would be a good idea to have more notices of race sent out earlier - use the Smart Groups AND also to post the next 4 events as a 'Stuck Thread' PLUS we should have the next Gill event - this way they stay at the top and any comments on crews/ accomodation / who's going would not get pushed down the board.

Example if this was working now we'd see Trent Valley, Inverkip, Henley and the Inlands - lastly the Grafham Gill.

Who can set these up?  We could leave the last event up until the results are posted (e.g. Starcross)



Through the CVDRA found a China Doll 2558 sailor in SW who's looking for a dacron main to go on his China Doll.  Based at the Helston River Cornwall.  Anyone got a sail - he has a Mylar main from 3396 but wants to be more in keeping with 'vintage / old' - so a swap may even be possible.

I can pass on details if you contact me.


I found a local N12 sailor (Jim Aldis)based at Whitefriars (Cotswold Wtaer Parks) - built a few N12 back in 60s / 70s - anyone know the whereabouts of any of the following;

N2401 Bunyip
N2440 Moomin
N2503 Uncle Stalky
N2556 Minuteman
N2639 Lily Peardrop


Posted here from the CVDRA forum;

N1713 is in restoration. That is the transom and worst bit of the hog has been done - nicely. Seats and knees have been removed and rubbing down (back to beautiful mahogany) has started as with the thwart. The hull seems sound except where one plank has lost its glue joint with its neighbour thanks I renewing as always. No sails, trailer useable, trolley not. Wooden mast with boat capabnle of restoration, "wonderful" rudder

Now, my knee has finally decided no more sailing (actually the doc decided) - so would anyone like to take on Fugitive. She is a MK8 we think. Details on We were given the boat and will be happy to give her to an enthusiast who will finish the work

Charles Smith
01483 429792
This is a free link to a Y&Y report / supplement;

Its also linked in the Y&Y main page.

Atricle by Gavin Willis in parent / child sailing - maybe we could ask Y&Y if we can reproduce for potential 12 sailors (this seems to be a major growth area for ACs currently).

Also picture of ex Chairman on p41

FYI - a picture of my home club house SCSC on p30!!

Finally - there's a review of Classes - but as far as I can see no N12s!!!  They have C***p dinghies like the Escape but not a real boat!!  Anyone know why we were missed off??  Maybe another missed opportunity.

My current jib halyard tail is wearing rather thin - have some new Excel V12 6mm - does anyone have the time skill to splice this onto the jib wire for me - at least a pint or two in it??



I understand the mast should be 'fixed' into position by some sort of pin at the heel - is this right?  If so what size / fixing is the best option - thinking about a simple s/s bolt (m5) with a wing nut on - would this be OK - any idea on length??

Have a SuperSpars mast & Boom that came as spares with my Crusader but I don't think they've been used much and just taking up space at home.

Anyone want to buy?  Maybe those at Norfolk week need to look up and check their masts  :-/ !


Congrats to the team on putting together the latest copy of Ratchet.

Per the request from our new awaiting Chairman I thought I'd kick off a discussion.

I'd like to have more opportunity to sail against 12s - I guess there are relatively few Clubs that have a fleet and we seem to be quite thinly spread around.  I've tried to attend a few Opens this year but like many of us have family commitments to balance out.  The soultion may be in our own hands - for example the N12 SW circut consists of;

Bristol     Gill
Starcross     Gill

Compare this to the South West Solo circuit (which are all one days)
Sutton Bingham
Chew Valley
South Cerney

I think there may be 12s at mnay of these Clubs.  How do we get more events so less travelling may be needed for the 'less serious' whilst still making these quite well attended.  Can we share more Opens or possibly just have a seperate start and join in with existing Club racing?  Could the format be changed at some of these events to maybe the the N12 handicaps - again allow some of the older boats a chance to compete.  Would this encourage more boats out to support local small fleets and so show the Class is active and attract new members?  This could provide a useful way of answering some of the techinal questions that seem to come up in the forum where new owners need help setting up boats, swapping gear etc.  Clubs start to plan their 07 programmes soon after the Summer ends so its a good time to see if there are sailors at each Club who could request an event.  To help support this we need to create local mailing lists of owners - this could also help to identify boats not actively being sailed and rotting in dinghy compounds.

The number of 12s is similar to the Firefly / Merlin / Solo (UK only??) but they seem to attact some bigger fleets and more active circuits (IMHO).

Also using the web resources to identify boats / Clubs (the Cherub site has quite a nice database type approach) this could help to promote the fleet and show that we care about the entire Class and its history.

Looking forward to Burton week and some discussions - where can I find a list of entrants for that?  The Fireflies have over 100 enetred for their 60th, Merlins there's a listing of entrants there too.  May encourage a few more out if folks new BW is not dominated by the DBs.

Just a few thoughts  :B lets discuss  ;D


Anyone taken a look at their new site?

One thing I like is they have a page with pics / history of each boat.  I think this is a real plus for boats with a design history vs SMOD (or one designs) - maybe save some of the many questions here and provide more history and current use.  May also help to identify other 'local' boats for support etc.  I'm sure with recent 70th at Pitsford we have many more pics of boats we could use.  Would help to supplement the design guide - owners could add in notes about what they like best (conditions etc).

The Cherubbers seem friendly and maybe we could borrow some of their web techniques.  We have a history so we can show it off (RS site would be grey, grey, pink, blue, grey, grey etc (anyone seen those awful salmon ish coloured Fevas??)

Anyone got an idea how to start this off - would be willing to help out.


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