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Topics - paul turner

Can someone explain to me in simple monosyllabic terms how count back works? I seem to have been demoted three times on this in the last year where others have had the same score as me in the races to count then beat me on countback. At NSSC at the weekend the other guy on the same score for two races beat me in the last race, the discard being ignored. In the Witchcraft series last year I think that the first race that me and Chadders met was taken. And did I get the MAAT overall results wrong last year? Not that I am all bitter and twisted about this coz I got a better result at the TVSC vintage....but I would like to know, please! Baffled of Breaston :K)
Just to confirm that the new Open Meeting at North Staffs SC is confirmed as Saturday 10th April 2010 - this is the first of the Midland Area Armada Trophy series 2010. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS NEW EVENT! Directions are at:
The club will be open from 09:00 with the first gun at 11:15. Lunch will be available followed by races two and three "back to back". For more information please contact Martin Rubrey ( 01538 360349 or 07711 931025
Hope to see y'all there! Paul :K)
We have been offered the possibility of having an additional Open Meeting for the MAAT at North Staffs SC (Eric Haselden's home club N3344) on Saturday 10th April 2010 ;D
I have emailed a number of the "usual suspects" but would be grateful all interested could email or text me (or reply here) asap please.
Paul (MidRep, TVSC) :K) 07710 324 800
Mr Jones is now in my new workshop drying out (there are several split planks and joints, plus deck repairs etc required) but before starting the serious work does anyone have any pictures of the original paintwork, condition and layout, and/or contact details for Hugh Welbourn so that I can restore as close to original as possible? I will do my best, but don't expect concourse condition, N2399 has been well used and adapted over the years! P :K) PS Revarnishing of N2359 Shotgun starts next week - it really is very odd (and smelly) boat!
The TVSC Open on Sunday 13th September is two meetings in one!
There is the usual Vintage and 4 Plank event PLUS there will separate races for the DB/ACs as part of the MAAT series AND the results from BOTH will count towards the overall MAAT series; the Vintage results will also be counted in the Witchcraft Bailer Series.
This is the final event of the new MAAT "Rivers & Ponds" series - note that the Olton Mere Open (and social) is on the day before - and the prize giving for the MAAT will be after racing at TVSC.
Notice of meeting will be posted later, but please email Ken Goddard and/or me to let us know if you will be there, to help us with the organisation and catering. We had 19 at the Open in May; we can cater for up to 42 boats! Hope to see lots of you at Trent Lock on 13th! Cheers, Paul :K)
I know that it's only a few days away, and I hope that this doesn't cause any problems but is anyone taking a vintage boat to NWNW? As it's their 60th a few vintage yots might create even more interest in N12s and NWNW. I believe that Peter Miatt was rumoured to be thinking about an old boat (and dressing accordingly!), and hopefully Vince will be there as usual for one or two races in his 7 plank Whisper. If there is interest, I would like to take Dolly instead of N3157 this year. Gattiman will probably take his Baggy rather than N2255 (pressure from crew to sail a "fast" boat!). RSVP asap! Paul :K) N2020/N2359/N2399/N2487/N3157 (nearly as many as our Chairman?)
We have had a very good turnout so far in the new MAAT series with 19 at Trent Valley and 13 at Hykeham. Here's a reminder of the remaining meetings:
Sunday 12th July Welland (new for 2009!) 3 races from 11:30 - i/c Andy Prior
Sunday 23rd August Redesmere (welcome back!) - i/c Alan Mason
Saturday 12th September Olton Mere (watch out, the lads are getting good!) - i/c Chris Troth
Sunday 13th September Trent Valley - this will be TWO open meetings in one, plus the MAAT prizegiving after tea! Three races from 11:00 - the DBs and ACs will sail together, and the 4 plankers and Vintage will start five minutes later. THIS EVENT WILL COUNT TOWARDS BOTH THE VINTAGE SERIES AND THE MAAT!
You only need one event to qualify; the best three results will be counted and non-attendance will be scored as the total attendance at the largest open meeting plus 1 point.
And in addition to the usual presentation of the MAAT trophy to the overall winner a voucher for a half price ALVERBANK Dacron jib will be awarded to the winner and the first AC boat.
More info? Email me: :K)
With all the discussion about the Burton, NWNW, the Youth Series etc I wouldn't like the new style MIDLAND AREA ARMADA TROPHY SERIES to be overlooked. It's taken a lot of effort to re-tuned this into a "rivers and ponds" series for club sailors (especially AC, 4 plank and vintage yotters); we have left out the big waters, focusing instead on the smaller clubs.
There is one meeting a month May to August with a final special two-venue event in September. We have welcomed back Redesmere on to the curcuit, and we have a new venue this year at Welland. Last year 62 boats competed at some time in the MAAT and, although we may not get the same total numbers we will hopefully persuade more club sailors to travel, if only once!
Please see the main website for details. (And I will try to do better this year - in 2008 I came last despite winning at Olton Mere?) :o
Positive comments and messages of support very welcome!
Paul N2020, N2359, N2487, N3157 :K)
Midland Area Rep 07710 324 800
General National 12 chat / will it fly?
20 Nov 2008, 09:26
I have posted some more back ground info about "Shotgun" N2359 on the boat database but would appreciate observations on the attached photos - will she fly? :-/
I am currently restoring N2359 Shotgun and would appreciate some advice regarding the centreboard/case. The existing c/board is (very rusty) steel wobbling about in a 9/16 solid wood case. Any thoughts on a replacement of more modern/lighter variety, or even how to widen the case in situ (to take a wooden plate?) would be appreciated. The current board hooks over a hidden pin; there is no bolt hole or hanger!
For the record Shotgun is real oddity; see the info on the boat database. She needs some serious weight reduction so the bilge keels and keel bands have gone and the central keel has had to be reduced because of damage. Several small sections of planking have rotted; if anyone has, or knows where I can get, three 6" x 6" sections of 1/4" mahogany marine 5 ply, please let me know. The mainsheet traveller track has gone and the transom top is to be cut down provide wood to fill in damage/rot on the lower transom and rotten bung holes.
And advice on the removal of the smell of cat wee would also be helpful; several applications of hot soapy water and bleach haven't worked!
And finally - I have the original transom and attached planking which were cut off when Mike Nokes redesgned the boat; wondered if it might make a nice trophy for the first clinker boat at the Burton Week?
Paul N2020/2359/2487/3157
Starter - Sweetcorn Pancakes & Salad  
Main - Chicken with Sage & Lemon, New Potatoes & Herby Butter,  Fresh Vegetables, Chicken Gravy  
Desert - Various Gateaux with pouring cream Or Fresh Fruit Cocktail plus Tea or Coffee & Mints £12 pp

There will also be a clearance sale of chandlery stock from Alverbank, including sailing boots, spray tops, bouyancy aids, one piece waterproofs etc (mostly smaller sizes) at bargain prices.

Please let us know if you are coming to help with catering:

Nigel May 07967 171 535  
Paul Turner 07710 324 800

It's always a great evening at TVSC! :)
Greetings All! Kick off on Saturday will be at 11.00 first race and hopefully the second before lunch. By popular request, with having lost so many other meetings this year, we have extended the event to include AC boats. Entries declared so far (with various call backs awaited)....
N1620 Ian Purkis
N1657 Brian Kitching + Charis Richardson (to be confirmed) (Chimp)
N2020 Ken Goddard + Ann Britton (The Starfish)
N2255 Tim Gatti + Shirley Dooley (Mk12)
N2266 Howard Chadwick + (a Starfish)
N2468 Brian Herring + Roz (China Doll)
N2487 Paul Turner + Christine Marshall (China Doll)
F3006 Bill Silvester (he was lonely and we may have another Firefly joining us from FOSsc!)
N2957 John Sears + Murph (Pipedream)
N2998 Peter Ferguson (Pipedream)
N3107 Ian Norman + daughters (Tigress)
N3157 Ben Richardson (Microclipper)
N3192 Ally Briton + Joss Richardson (Tigress)
N3230 John Nixon (Crusader) hopefully
We would be delighted to get lots more entries! And if any DBs turn up they will be made welcome!
If you want any more info please call me on 07710 324 800 or email"> :K)
Greetings All.

The invitation to the Trent Valley Vintage & 4 Plank on Saturday 20th September 2008 will be posted elsewhere on the website but just wanted to let you all know that we have, following interest from several Admirals Cup boat owners, decided to open the meeting up to ALL N12s.
We have previously had entries of 12/13 boats, and if we have sufficient extras this year we may have two starts. It would be helpful to know who is coming along, and if you need a local crew.

It would be great to have an even bigger turnout than previously and it also gives everyone a chance to chew over the proposals for next year's Midlands Area Series, which are also included in the invitation/notice.

Please reply here or at
The Trent Valley Open meeting is this weekend 10/11th May and I am perplexed that we seem to have had very little interest so far; I think that we have only FOUR (4) entries so far! If you are coming then please let me know asap to help with catering on and off the water.:o

Refering to the CULL thread, I would be very sad if we were forced to abandon future (all boat) opens at TVSC through lack of support and have only vintage/4 plank meetings in the future!?! :'(

Paul 07710 324 800 :K)
Greetings All! Just to remind you all that there are THREE open meetings at Trent Valley this year....
10/11th May - the notice of this meeting for ALL N12s is posted elsewhere but there will be five races over two days with the usual TVSC supper on the Saturday night. PLease let us know asap if you are coming but as an added incentive I will NOT be sailing (knee operation on 12th) to give you all a chance of coming second to Grazz! Prizes for AC and vintage boats too!8)
21st/22nd June - Vintage/4 plank sailing. The Saturday will be sailing three laps any time during the day against the clock with numerous other old boats from various classes on modified PY - the fastest lap wins! Supper on the Saturday night and a Witchcraft Bailer Handicap meeting for vintage boats on the Sunday (three races, first scratch followed by two pursuits) NOTE the handicap meeting has been moved from the Saturday to the Sunday!:o
Saturday 20th September - Vintage and 4 Plank Meeting, we have had entries into double figures for our first two years, perhaps we might even get up to 20 this year?:K)
Paul n2020,2487,3157
Has anyone got a broken carbon mast (bottom) section long enough for me to make a carbon boom from?
Don't panic vintage yotters it's for MicroClipper!;)
Just chatting to Richard Watson about N12 yotting and TVSC stuff and he was wondering where his old yot N2959 "Landslide" (Windfall design) had got to. Rumours of it passing through Olton Mere and wieght reduction surgery had reached his ears but he would like to be re-acquainted now that ther are a few 4 plank events around.

PLease reply here!
I posted this on the NWNW thread about Microclipper "wot I hav just bought" but no one has responded either way.

Would any of you North West Norfolk folks object to me trying out an experimental main that week - it's one that Kevan Bloor rustled up a few years ago? It measures but it is fully battoned.

1. NWNW don't mind if you guys don't.
2. I don't have a decent sail for the boat, and I would like to finish on the same day as the rest of you
3. And I'm not going to win whatever sails I use - it's just for fun and interest

I await with interest! 8)

Paul N3157/2487/2020
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