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Topics - Chilli

yesterday (26th july) was the last race of the summer series - i know its only July but thats the way they work round here -- sad day :(
and last night after the racing had finished me and my crew took my Int420 Express Dream apart and parceled her up on her trailer ready for her new owner to collect her -- so now I'm left with an empty mooring that will very soon be filled with a Dead Cat Bounce N12 :)
I spoke to Tom Stewart a few weeks ago and he basically sold the Dead Cat Bounce (this puddy didn't) N12 to me over the phone in less than 15minutes !!!!!! so I'm going to make contact and give my bank manager a heart attack when she finds out how much my new pride n joy is going to cost :)
here's to a winter and a lot of years in a DCB N12 :) i'm also going to be moving sailing clubs because Liverpool sailing club located at the back of Liverpool John Lennon Airport has far far better facilities than Fiddlers Ferry despite it being further away - it was swings and roundabouts tbh but being able to launch / recover at all tidal states (300yard concrete slip way) no matter whether its springs or neaps sold it to me :)
am also going to have my DCB delivered straight to the dinghy park too saves any messing about plus the sailing club is a warehouse so any work that i may need to do in time will done in comfy conditions :)
here's to a mega happy end of 2015 and beyond :)
exactly as per the title :)
maybe you've just given her a bath or you've been creative with a paintbrush or you've installed new rigging and given her some new clothes :) maybe you're restoring your N12
just tell us all about it :)
so today I went to Fiddlers Ferry Dinghy Sailing Club --- don't confuse it with the cruising club which is for "big" boats ;) and I got all the info and had a right good laugh with the guys th at were there --- so it's gunna cost me £20 to join £70 annual membership and £36 for annual use of the dinghy park providing that i use my boat :)
how many clubs do you know where it's only gunna cost you £106 per annum incluing use of all facilities and boat storage ????? 
the other clubs I was looking at --- Leigh and Lowton £249 per annum inc. mooring
Liverpool sailing club £137 plus mooring
Blackpool light craft club £130 plus mooring costs if there's enough space
i'm sure that there are others but given that i have a Virgin Trains season ticket between Warrington and Lancaster was sort of limited by where i could and couldnt go --- FFSC is 40 minutes walk down the canal from my front door :)
so what did you do today ?????
General National 12 chat / Hi :)
28 May 2015, 05:44
Hi :) 
I'm totally new to N12's having sailing only briefly in a Feeling Foolish :( this is about to totally change after the N!2 community on facebook told me to contact Tom Stewart :) and what ensued was prolly the most expensive 15minutes that i've had in a long time LoL :)
So a Dead Cat Bounce is being ordered really soon -- the two problems that i initially had with it were how good is it ? i mean is it really as good as the reports (Tom Stewart says it's better when you know what you're doing ;)) and the pricetag - that was an owwwwwch moment cos i paid similar money for my Winder Fireball.  My current ride is a Rondar 420 which me and crew only like sailing when the wind is howling - the hull of the 420 creates so much drag at low wind speeds that it's hard to know sometimes if it's actually moving whereas the full on planing hull and full aft sections provide prolly the most stable planing platform that i've ever sailed - put her out in a F6/F7 + and she just flies :) whereas at anything less than F4 you might as well just pack up and go home.
so i ended up in N12 cos someone offered me ride and it was quick upwind and it was reasonably stable too which surprised me :) in terms of updates there's a few things that i can think of to change to give it a better ride and lose some of it's tippy nature but that's for another time :)
so yup come novermber 2015 with a bit of luck and a following wind me and my crew will be out n about in dead cat bounce prolly irish sea to start with cos few people go there so we can make a hash of it and not get noticed ;)
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