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Topics - Thomas

Brace yourselves, the entry for Northampton will go live very soon.
We are sharing the event with the Solo's so it will be busy and we do need to enter in advance.
If you are planning on camping at Northampton this weekend, please pitch your tent away from the club, they are expecting a big turn out for the fireworks and dont want any tents squashed by cars parking in the dark! They suggest down by the training centre is best.

Thank you Tom
General National 12 chat / Burton Entry
13 Aug 2016, 08:56
Burton Entries have been coming in thick and fast. We are close to 40 which is fantastic. Please have a think, is there anyone you know who needs a nudge. Let's see if we can get 80 sailors for our 80th year.
Not long now until Burton Week 2016.
Just a few things to remind everyone of.
The sooner you get your entries in the better we can make the Gypsy prize. Teams of three sorted by the management get to compete for the coveted trophy!
We will run handicap results for the Burton cup race alongside the overall, so again the sooner we get your entry the more accurately we can organise the ratings and the better your chance of winning.
Now for the important stuff, dinner tickets are going down a storm so please  let Janet know if you are coming. The dinner is open to non competitors too so please get your tickets sorted so you don't miss out.

That is all for now.

Thanks Tom
General National 12 chat / Terry Cooke
14 Feb 2016, 07:24
Very sadly, former chairman Terry Cooke has passed away after a battle with cancer.

Terry was a stalwart of the class who started sailing 12s after giving up his Formula 40 catamaran career! Terry enjoyed his 12 sailing in the best of ways, he was a particular fan of Norfolk Week and competitive but fun racing. Terry usually sailed with one or other of his children, Mike or Angela.  12 sailing for Terry was about sailing competitively and making it family time.

Terry will be missed and we send our best wishes to Sharon, Angela, Mike and the rest of the family.
It is great to hear that accommodation for Brightlingsea is being booked up already. This year is special as it is the 75th Burton and the 80th year of the class. We plan to have a dinner to celebrate on the Sunday after the Burton cup race. We want as many Twelvers as possible to come, hopefully to sail but if not then to join us for dinner on this very special occasion.

Please pass this news on to any 12 or ex 12 sailors you know. Let's fill the club and have a proper party.

Tom Stewart
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