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Topics - AndyP3374

General National 12 chat / HELP NEEDED!
21 Apr 2016, 07:16
Dear All,

We have been lucky enough to get the opportunity to restore N12 3374 "Milkshake".

I hope to be able get her back up and fit for racing over the early summer in time for the Burton Cup but we have one small problem. Milkshake is currently in Yorkshire and we are in Winchester!

This will be our first foray into sailing an N12 and we are really looking forward to joining the class. So, one quick request to all out there..........Is there anyone in the Southern region/fleet that could loan me a road trailer for a day or two next Weds/Thurs so that I can collect N3374 from Yorkshire and get her back here and into the boatshed (nee' dining room but don't tell the wife!!).

A bit of help here would be greatly appreciated and could result in many beers as reimbursement!!

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