National 12

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Topics - Barry

General National 12 chat / NWNW Camping
09 Mar 2010, 09:22
Given the succession of early starts and trying to avoid getting up at 4.00am two days running, this year we are looking to switch our normal camping (tent) venue from around the Snetty area to something more central, perhaps Burham or Brancaster based. We have so much clutter we won't really want to up sticks during the week, though we'll move to SBSC on Thursday.

Showers and toilets would be a bonus as would walkable access to refreshment.
Would need to be boat friendly.
Any ideas?

ex N3364
Congrats to Neil at my club on the excellent restoration of (I think) N1569 (I'll check this weekend) - any more rocker and you could use it as a rocking horse.

General National 12 chat / N12 Trolleys
13 Jun 2006, 03:01
The trolley I have - despite my modifications - is not particularly supportive for my N12.

Kean (the previous owner) did point me at someone - but I haven't heard back from them.

I saw some good ones at Pitsford when we popped over.

Can anyone suggest where I can either get a new cradle to support my N12 or even better a new trolley that would fit my existing combi bottom - probably a bespoke job.


N3364 (hoping to be at the Trent training day)
This post from the Supernova site (big at my club) is interesting for the implications of pumping the top batten across - which is always fun for both my N12 and the Lark in the light stuff.

General National 12 chat / Dangly Pole
09 Apr 2006, 07:16
N3364 Finally got got back onto the water today (hooray!) - with shiny new topsides - my first go in a N12.

A few things to sort out,  amongst which is the dangly pole - which never seemed to do the job - should I tie it directly to the clew? how tight to it?

We're at Waldringfield next weekend (in a Lark - the pink one!) - if you are wondering why were looking over your N12!

My 12 has a fixed jib luff wire which goes onto a rack on the mast. The shrouds are adjustable by via cascades. This is how I get the rig tension.

I presume, with this set up,  the only reason for having rig tension adjustable through the jib luff wire (as I have on my Lark with fixed shrouds) via a cascade would be to be able to rake the mast while afloat.

What is the general norm, stick with jib luff wire fixed to a rack or go for abjustable jib luff wire?


N3364 (varnish imminent)