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Topics - StuW

General National 12 chat / Thank you
16 Sep 2021, 12:51
Thank you to our Chair... George for a fabulous weekend for the 85th Anniversary...shame the wind on Sunday didn't come out to play.
Had a thoroughly enjoyable time.
Thanks also to Lucy for all your hard work
Thanks to the Miatts for their contribution to the event and for the great company on Friday night camping.... if you haven't camped at a twelve event it's your loss.
Hope Graham Miatts ankle is recovering after his perfect dive over a groundsheet. Very elegant 10/10.
More Thanks to Michael Jackson
And thanks to Northampton Sailing Club for making us so welcome once more.Stuart N3546
General National 12 chat / Halyard
23 Mar 2021, 10:50
Hi everybody.
I really want to replace my main halyard as the one I have now seems too hard and too shiny and tends to slip in the cleat whenever I pull the Cunningham on.
It also seems too big a diameter.
What do other people use.
Looking for recommendations.
Stuart N3546
Hi everybody...
Looking to purchase some new boots.
I love the aigle style of boots but unfortunately aigle dont produce them any more so I bought the closest thing I could get which were the gill competition...well never again...
So 18 months later it's back on the hunt for comfortable, robust and practical boots for National 12 sailing week in and week out.
Any suggestions and more importantly personal feedback really appreciated.
Hi, asking for a friend who is looking for a competitive A/C twelve or a cheaper double floor boat that his teenage daughters can sail. He is happy to do a bit of work but no major restoration projects. Very keen sailing family so if anybody's day can help get them into the fleet it would be brilliant.
So if anybody is ready to upgrade your n 2019 or has an unused twelve collecting dust in a barn or garage can you let me know or if you know of any unused/unloved twelves sitting in a boat park or on a driveway again can you let me know.
Need to get even more 12s on the water in 2019
Who is coming this weekend to Rutland.
Shades of Grey will be there Friday night camping as usual
Stuart and Theo. N3546
General National 12 chat / New Sails
28 Mar 2018, 04:22
Well the missus has given me the go ahead to get some new sails for N3546 so now comes the difficult bit.
Where to get them from.
Most obvious seems P&B but my existing sails are Goucher and seem pretty fast.
I was impressed with Daves sails he made for Gillespie which are Dynamic sails and HD sails look pretty good.
Can anybody give any feed back on any of these other manufacturers good or bad. Probably sailing with about 100 kg, using an original Angell mast mainly on inland waters
Any help really appreciated
Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year to one and all. Hope Santa brings everything you wish for and plenty of sailing gear to boot.
Hopefully see some of you in 2018
Stuart N3546
Need some help guys and girls.
I have been using an Angell mast which has been set up with free swinging spreaders but I want to be able to adjust them. Bought some selden adjusters but they do not fit into the carbon spreader bracket. I am presuming this spreader bracket is standard size on all of Rogers national 12 masts and if so can somebody tell me what make of spreader adjusters fit into it. Pulling my hair out and I haven't got a lot to spare so really need your help
General National 12 chat / Rutland
26 Jun 2017, 06:56
I want to pre book for the 12 fest at Rutland but the only way to do it appears to be bank transfer. Problem is, being old and old fashioned, I don't do Internet banking and all that malarkey. Does anybody know any alternative payment methods I could use.
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