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Topics - tedcordall

Having been prompted by the Latest Chapter I just tried to download the application form pdf and got lots of twiddly garbage. Is this just me?  Is it a hint that I should sell the 12 and buy a foiling moth instead? :'(

That's it. I'm selling the 12 and getting an Optimist!    :o
Now that Daisy and I are getting the hang of Carbon Copy and are no longer not merely concerned with staying upright, it has become apparent that my leeward mark roundings absolutely suck. Twice on Sunday we passed the Albacore on the run only to lose out at the mark.

The problem that has become apparent (other than more practice!) is how to sheet in quickly with rear sheeting. With a centre main, hand over hand works well as the tiller hand is pulling more or less at right angles to the line of the tiller extension. With the rear main, especially when sitting well forward, I can't see how to sheet in with both hands while still holding the tiller extension.

What do you do?
The new boats for sale page is excellent. I see that one can 'point' at the column headings. Is  it intended that the data sorts by heading? ie if one clicks on 'price' the data sorts by price (usually toggles high to low/low to high) and on 'sail number' to sort by (obviously) sail number.

If so, the page refreshes on clicking the headings but the data doesn't sort.
If not, well its still a big improvement!

Some classes of boat seem to specialise in good names (12s 14s cherubs etc) and some in not so good (they shall remain nameless). It has gradually dawned on me that the slower the class the speedier the name and the more radical the class the loopier the name.

My favourites so far are:

Cheese before bedtime - cherub
Spank the Monkey -SB3 and Finn
Passion Pudding - errr

What names have you seen that bring a smile to your face (or to any part of you, really)?


The 'designs' section of the website is excellent and gives a good snapshot of the relevant features of each model. There isn't however a description (or even a heading) for the man-o-war.
After a few years of sailing asymmetrics on open water and a couple of years off we have just moved to Bosham. Asymmetrics are not the thing to have here . The few that are about get murdered.

For those of you not on the South coast Bosham reach is a narrow tidal creek leading into Chichester harbour with about 100 moored yachtsand its fair share of mud. I've seen the club's only Laser 5000 attached to both over the course of the last year!

Winning here seems to involve protracted tacking duels in six inches of water while staying out of the tide and keeping moving in light airs.The handicap fleet is dominated by  Finns, Albacores (one of which I've been crewing) and one annoyingly fast wooden wayfarer. The Albacore has planed once in the last year (tho there was a lot of light wind about) so the words 'pulse', 'Albacore' and 'racing' have rarely met in the same sentance.

What boat should I buy? I don't have enough lard for a Finn and don't want an Albacore. More  importantly, what boat should I buy to give me an edge over all the old fa...(sorry) boys that have been sailing here for twenty years and know all the bumps and lumps. I though of an RS300 but I want to be behind the old boys not in front. Frankly I want an unfair advantage!

Looking at the racy thing the Nat12 has apparently become, does its yardstick of 1093 reflect its true speed? Is it really only marginally quicker than a Wayfarer?...or do you now have individual yardsticks like Merlin Rockets?

Sue and I can turn out at about 20st, need a good tacker, good in light air and good in the harbour chop. We don't really want a new boat but don't mind spending a wodge on last year's cast off.

What would you advise? A Nat12 or go back to the sea and the 29er? (I said that after 2 children, hiking would be much better for her stomache than a trapeze!) All advice and abuse welcome.

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