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General National 12 chat / Carbon Tube
04 Nov 2015, 07:26
Looking for some 40mm Carbon tube, pref woven not protruded and 2m long. Was wondering if anybody on here had any contacts in the industry who might be able to help save a pound or two or anybody who has any icing around looking for a new home
thanks n advance Stuart
Hi, have any of you guys gt any info or pictures f successful hatchet board systems which they could pass on to me. If so can you e mail me at [][/mail]
thanks guys
Hi, should be starting on the boat next week but need info on up to date centreboards as used on DCBs. Does the winged rudder affect C/B shape in any way and what length are people so sing, Max length, shorter, board thickness, shape in fact any information at all or any good info out there. This is getting urgent as need before work can begin
thanks in Advance
Deposit payed, another twelve is definitely being built in deepest North Essex. Just need a building slot and all systems go
N3246 &N35**
Plans in hand to upgrade Grimly Fiendish in the very near future. Plans got hold of, builder in deepest darkest Essex on board once Hadron, BOD's, National 18 molds completed, and designs being modified by another famous member of the Essex yachting fraternity.
to be called "Shades of Grey" for some reason.
hi, was wondering if somebody with a DCBS COULD RUN A TAPE MEASURE OVER IT FOR ME. I need the distance from the stem to the mast step, the distance from the stem to the shroud plates, and also the distance from stem to front of C/B case and centerboard bolt. Any help appreciated guys.
thanks in advance
Does anybody have an e mail address for 
Jo Richards
Rob Peebles?
if so can you let me know?
kind Regards
as its a BIG birthday coming up at the end of the year I am seriously thinking of getting a new twelve built, but don't know the best way to get hold of plans. Would I need to get hold of the designer directly and would I need their express permission to adapt it.
I am thinking that f producing the boat in wood so would have to modify the design to enable this.
any help appreciated
Stuart.    N3246
I know it's a long shot but am looking for old news letters from around 1970 to around 1990. if you have any would be willing to pay and pay postage.
kindest Regards
Stuart.  N3246
General National 12 chat / News Letter
29 Mar 2015, 11:27
Just received it. Haven't read it but glanced through it. You guys have done us proud.
Got a foiling rudder to retro fit to boat but need to build stock for it. Before I do this can any one give me any help
what is the Max rake required from the horizontal forewards, does it EVER need raking aft?
does it always default to a vertical position, ie get swept back if not raked forewards? Hope that makes sense
how much does it need adjusting once set up for conditions and the leg being sailed
is there any geometric advantage to having the pintles move rather than the stock itself if you could remove stretch in any system used. Look forwards to any advice you guys can give. Got an idea in my head, well two but need this info before I can develop it further
Happy new year, here's hoping for a fabulous year of sailing the best boat on the market. Hope you all have a great time aflatoxin in 2015. Look forward to hopefully do a few events this year and seeing a few of you along the way
Stuart     N3246
Hi everybody. Took my little boy sailing for the first time a couple of weeks ago in Grimley Fiendish, I know a terrible time to start, and he loved it. Only problem is he said his hands were freezing. Want to get him sailing gloves but as he is only 8 his hands are tiny. Any of you who sail with little ones got any suggestions as to the best gloves out there and best size for little hands. 
Thanks in advance for any advice
Hi guys, just bought a lovely angell carbon mast, thanks to Chris Troth!, but it's from a double bottomed boat and 3246 is not double bottomed. This means that the mast is around 6" too short or for the youngsters out there 100-150cm and I need advice to the best way forwards. Is it to get a plug made up like the existing mast foot or would I be better getting somebody to splice a small section of carbon on to the existing mast.
either way any suggestions as to how to do this, ie people who could provide a suitable blank for the mast step or anybody Essex way who could add a section onto the mast. 
Does anybody have any reasonable, cheap ism sails as just had a good look at the Dacron sails on Grimley Fiendish and they are pretty bad, but not in a position to buy new although they would be cut better to suit a tin mast.
perhaps somebody might have a carbon stick kicking around that they want rid of too.
please guys help. Want to get out on the water ASAP
stuart N3246
General National 12 chat / N3246
07 Sep 2014, 03:56
Just bought Grimley Fiendish I pretty good knick and ready to go. Hoping to be sailing at Ardleigh which was once a bit of a twelve stronghold in North Essex. Hoping to get the kids into sailing and what better boat is there to learn the joys of it.
wondering if I can sneak into the 4 plank series as poor old dear is nearly 30 years old and is never going to compete with the big boys... Even if the boat was I certainly am not!
cant wait to get back into 12 s after a bit of a break
Stuart Walsh
General National 12 chat / Wanted
09 Jun 2014, 07:20
Looking for an old 12 to teach the kids to sail. Looking for a street legal, pipedream, bouncer or tiger somewhere in the south east. Must be in reasonable condition and prefer professionally built if possible so if you have one sitting around or know of one neglected in a boat park or old barn etc could you let me know. Thanks
Are street legals considered 4 planners because, even though it says to the contrary in the handbook, they were designed before the double curvature rules were changed. Just they are not mentioned on the poster. Or is it that people won't sail them unless it's force 4 or above. Can be sailed very quickly in absolutely no wind at all
Having been an enthusiastic follower and sailor of this wonderful class and having thought of returning to it later in the year I decided to look at the most recent handbook. Does anybody else feel it makes uncomfortablle reading and how healthy is the class at the moment?
when I initially sailed the class in the late 70's boat numbers were incredibly healthy with 40/50 boats being produced each year and many designs being developed. There was a good spread of amateur and professionally built boats which implies to me that we were producing an object that people wanted at a price they could afford while still being cutting edge.
imagine my shock to see that in 2013 there was 1, yes that's right just ONE National 12 built and in 2012 there where 4 while 2011 resulted in the grand total of 3 new boats. Now I ask myself are we producing a product people want at a price people can afford. I have to say purely on numbers the answer has to be a resounding NO and it makes me worry, is this the death knell of a boat I love so much.
Is it just cost, I would say no as the Merlin still holds it's own but it does play a part. Looking at modern twelves it seems they are very complex and not as exciting as other boats in the same category. 
I cannot understand a class which banned dagger boards because they restrict where 12's can sail and yet encourage wings up to 600 mm on either side of the rudder. This I believe would put off,not encourage, new members to the fleet as they seem very complex compared to any gains made. 
is it time to get back to basics and have a long hard look at where the class wants to be in 10 years time and where it is likely to end up if things maintain their current path.
to me the class is being sidelined and is becoming that curious little class that people like to show an interest in rather than get in and sail. A little bit like the cherub, 12 foot skiff etc. I don't think getting over complex would work for us like it did the moth and international 14. Rather we need to get back to being more mainstream, perhaps a little less complex and something that youngsters want to get into ( what % of the fleet was under 30 in the last 3 champs) as well as husbands and wives/ partners/ kids. 
Far from being negative I want to see this once great and important class get back to where it should be. The enthusiasm for Admirals Cup boats shows that people still love what was a great product.
interested to see what people think. Let's get a discussion going
General National 12 chat / News Letter
14 Feb 2006, 07:01
So should I have got my 2006 newsletter yet  as I seem to have been missed off the mailing list over the last year, cant even remember the last Ratchet..........:(
Can any one help with this ???/
Stuart  Walsh
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