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Topics - canon fodder

Tummel Regatta 15th 16th September. Great place to sail, would be good if we could get a few 12s turning up. There are one or two people there who are showing some interest in 12s and it might be a possible open meeting venue in the future. I can probably provid accomodation on Friday night but it may only be floor space.
I thought  you all might like to know that having finally got to work removing my rather spectacular gunnels that so many of you admired at Ripon, that for once Bernard was right and some fairly large grub like things had been tunneling their way through my gunnels. They had long since left but if does seem a fairly drastic way of weight reduction.
Also on the subject of beasties, when I struck my tent at tummel week on lifting my air bed I found that a cheeky vole had eaten a couple of holes in the ground sheet. Just as well the air bed was not to its taste or me and my crew could have found our selves being let down in the middle of the night. :o
General National 12 chat / Help!!!
11 Jul 2007, 11:47
In a moment of weekness (I have many) I bought myself a skol international moth on ebay. Unfortunately it is in kent and I am in Perth.  Can anybody help moving it north. It does not have a trailer but will go on a roof rack. I can be contacted on
Any movement north would be helpful, I am willing to pay reasonable costs.
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