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General National 12 chat / Bobby Pegna
06 Aug 2009, 03:49
<div class="postbody">Just read this on the CVRDA website - the more mature 12 sailors may be interested...
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<div class="postbody">Those who sailed National 12's in the 50's and 60's will be sad to hear Bobby Pegna has died.
A lovely man kind to the young, who latterly sailed Dragons and Darings at Cowes, he also helped the burgeoning Enterprise Class by sailing one of the two that crossed the English Channel, he was crewed by Flavia Newnes the other boat was sailed by Bruce (Hamish Brambles.) Banks and his wife Rosemary.
Anybody at Norfolk Week with a computer that can let us know how it's going on??  Not being able to afford to go this year, I'm sitting , on tenterhooks, scanning the web for info, and nothing there!!!
Any body got a full program of events for the 60th big bash next year????.  I guess we start at Hunstanton and finish at Snettisham as normal, but have no idea of what is happening in between????
Jon Thompson
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