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Topics - Ben Brown

General National 12 chat / Sycamore
24 Mar 2022, 04:47
Does anyone have a good suggestion for sourcing Sycamore?  I have tried Robbin in bristol who've suggested Maple but dont know how closely that would match?

Thanks in advance.
Sorry for gate crashing the N12 forum - its been a while since I posted here and indeed sailed a 12, but hopefully there will be a few people around that remember me...
Im running this years london marathon in aid of the RNLI - a fantastic charity that relies lifeboat crews giving up there time to help other often risking their own lives in the process. Im sure you will have heard of it.
Im aiming to raise £3,000 in total and that is proving almost as challenging as the training.
If you would like to help the RNLI and inspire me on those last few miles of pain, please sponsor me. I have set up a nice little web page to make it nice and easy at its all totally secure and safe.
Thanks for reading this
Ben (former owner of 3385, 2868 and 3077
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