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Topics - David_Wilkins

Ok, I promise this is the last attempt to squeeze a bit more sponsorship from the 12 fleet for this - Frances completed her run in the pouring rain yesterday & was featured in an interview on BBC South Today:
Frances' fund raising page for Headway remains open for another couple of weeks or so:
A huge thank you to those who have already been so generous in their support.
Just rigging the boat this evening when I noticed a Numinous tucked away in the corner of the yard - I'd guess Jayseayess from the colour.
Good to see.
If the new owner fancies chatting 12's  he/she should wonder over to the Merlin ranks, we now sail MR 3655 Loosed Cannon but have so many happy memories of sailing 12's over around 35 years.
Some of you who remember racing against us may know hat Frances was very seriously ill last year and has been diagnosed with Churg-Strauss Syndrome. The vasculitus that she suffered last summer has left her with a number of new challenges in life. Because and in spite of these, she has been working hard for the last few weeks with the aim of completing a 5K run at the beginning of August to raise money for the brain injury charity Headway and she would really appreciate any support you could give her by visiting her fund raising page at and sponsoring her â€" she’s already reached £500!
5k will be a huge achievement from where she was a few weeks ago when she started running for the first time in her life and, due to her brain injury had to work hard on teaching her legs and feet to do the necessary.
Thank you

Thank you
Take a look at
Could be another new boat on its way?

For the first time in 35 years I don't have a National Twelve!!:'(:'(
It's a day of very mixed feelings.  Frances & I are sailing together again ;D;D which is brilliant. To do so and to enjoy some excellent local racing in Poole Harbour we have got ourselves a Merlin which, whilst a very nice boat is not as pretty or as enjoyable to sail (at least for
me) as Cooked to Perfection. The laws of physics do say that at 24 -ish stones we should do better in the Merlin than in the Twelve.
Sadly our lack of experience in the class and of the tides in Poole Harbour is currently ensuring that these laws go unproven!
Just maybe when we have more time and cash we will be able to justify another Twelve but for the time being we must devote these resources to establishing that we are worthy to be full members at Parkstone YC. maybe when I've started withering away a few stones as I get older we'll be a more competitive weight?

We have many, many happy memories from the past 35 years and I must be carefull ot to keep tapping away on this keyboard all night! We have formed many great friendships through the Class and indeed have the Class to thank for bringing us together.  Thank you to all who have made them such good years.

I look forward to watching the enthusaism of the new youth to the class taking it from strength to strength and will watch with interest from afar. I might well be looking to borrow a Twelve for 2009 Burton "Week" which I've no doubt is going to be a brilliant and very well attended event.

Look ot for some impressive results from 3481 in 2009!
Good luck Andy & Vicky!

Anybody available to crew at Ranelagh  - I hate letting a trophy go without a defence - they are few and far between for me!!!

Look forward to hearing from an enthusiastic creew.


phone 07810 502348
Is there anybody out there who can help me give Mike & Anne and a few others a run for their money at Desborough on Sunday??

Please call or e-mail
07810 5023418
It looks as though I might be stuck for a crew for at least the start of the week. Any lightweights out there who may like to enjoy Salcombe's charms from the front of my boat?

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