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Topics - Chris Troth

Hi All,

Saturday 21st October is Olton Mere's N12 open meeting. This is the final open meeting in the midland area calendar. Bargain entry of £5.
We plan to run 3 races, with 2 to count, starting at 11am. There will be a break for lunch (bring your own), and then two more afterwards.

Please let me know on this forum if you are planning to attend.

Hope to see you there.
Hi All,
I was reminded today at the sailing club that this Saturday is the Olton Mere 4 Plank Open Meeting.
Everybody with any age boat welcome but only 4plankers will count towards the results (I'm sure I counted 4 planks on Bouncer).
Bargain entry fee £5.
Gates will be open from early. Briefing at 10.45. First Race 11am with 2 races back to back before the break, and one after.
Unfortunately Gill Bilton can no longer make it so the kitchen is closed :(
Bar will be open in the afternoon.
Folks are welcome to leave boats overnight and join in with club racing on Sunday afternoon if they wish.
Any questions, drop me a line.
Please let me know if you intend to come along by posting below.
Hi All,
The final open meeting for the Midland Area (+ series prizegiving) will be held at Olton Mere SC on Saturday 25th October.
Three races, 2 to count
Briefing 10:30
First Gun 11:00
Entry fee £10
Would be great to finish off the series this year with a good turnout. We should put 4 or 5 boats on the water, and the more visitors the merrier! I have booked sunshine and steady wind.
Visitors always welcome to stay for club racing on the Sunday.
Food is in the pipeline - I will confirm later. Please help us plan by letting me know if you hope to come.
Hi all,
This saturday at Olton Mere is the final open meeting as part of the 4 plank mini series. Entry fee a bargain at £5.
Briefing will be at 10.30 with first race starting at 11am. There will be 3 races with 2 to count.
Hope to see as many 4plankers as possible. Please let me know if you plan to join us.
The final open meeting of the Midland Area calendar is at Olton Mere this coming Saturday. There will be a briefing at 10:30 followed by 3 races starting from 11.
Hot food available.
Please let me know if you are coming.
Hi all,
I would like to invite you all to the Olton Mere N12 open on 24th November, which is the final meeting in the Midlands Area. We plan to hold three races, with the first starting at 11am. There will be a briefing at 10:30. Entry fee £12. The bar will be open in the afternoon.
The day after, Sunday 25th November, the club is holding its anual two-handed regatta, and visitors are welcome to take part.
Please let me know if you are planning to come - hope to see you there.
General National 12 chat / Sails
29 Apr 2012, 06:41
Hi. I'm on the lookout for a good set of second hand sails, as mine are falling to pieces! Am mainly interested in a suit that's a couple of seasons old.
If you have anything that fits the bill, please email me @
With the RYA dinghy show at Alexandra Palace only a month away (3rd and 4th March), it's time to look for willing volunteers to help out on our stand. If you are willing to spend an hour (or hopefully more) please get in touch with me. Just post below, or email me at, and let me know which day(s) you can do and how much time you're happy to spend on the stand. Also, any questions, please get in touch.<br style="font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial; line-height: 11px; text-align: left; background-color: #f2f5f7;" />The stand at last year's show was a great success, mainly down to association members giving their time to talk to visitors.
Hi All.
We've got some of our water back, and sailing has resumed at the mere, so it's looking good for our open meeting. We plan to run 3 races, one before lunch and 2 after, with the first race starting at 11am. There will be a short briefing at 10:30.
There will be food on at the club at lunchtime in the form of jacket potatoes and fillings, and the bar will be open in the afternoon.
If you're planning to come, please follow the link and complete the form so we can plan a good day's sailing:
This will be the final open meeting in the Midland area so prizes for this will follow sailing.
If anyone wants to make a weekend of it, you are welcome to join in with club racing on the Sunday.
If you have any questions, shout up. If you would like to come, but don't have a crew, I can probably sort something out. Hope to see you there!
Hi All,

Unfortunately, the water level at the Mere is still not good enough for 12 sailing, so we are postponing again until Saturday 26th November. This should give enough time for the pond to fill up, and we are hoping that the water will be runny!

This will be the last open meeting  counting towards the Midland Area Armada Trophy and the prizegiving will follow sailing.
Early days, I know, but if you are planning to come along, please follow the link below and fill in the form.

Hi All,
Coaching at the Mere is only a couple of weeks away. Take this great opportunity to train up before the 75th Event and the rest of the season. Post here if you plan to come, so we can plan the day.
Any queries, get in touch:
Mobile number is in the book.
For directions to the club, visit the website @
What time are we starting Graham?
With the RYA dinghy show at Alexandra Palace only a month away, it's time to look for willing volunteers to help out on our new, extra-special 75th year stand. If you are willing to spend an hour (or hopefully more) please get in touch with me. Just post below, or email me at, and let me know which day(s) you can do and how much time you're happy to spend on the stand. Also, any questions, please get in touch.
The stand at last year's show was a great success, mainly down to association members giving their time to talk to visitors.
Help this 75th year stand be extra special.
Hi All. Last reminder of the Olton Mere Open Meeting this coming saturday. We have already had many people let us know they are coming to race with us, but the more the merrier. We are planning to have 5 races throught the day. Briefing at 10.15, first race at 11. Lunch (jacket potatoes) is included in the entry. There is a social event in the evening in the form of a Pig Roast. Hopefully, our new bar will be fully finished by then. Don't worry through, the beer is already flowing again, and a lot has a been ordered for the weekend! There is plenty of space for tents on friday and saturday nights - we are hoping many of you will want to go to trent valley on sunday. There should also be room on the clubhouse floor if you just bring a sleeping bag! There will be prizes for double bottoms, ACs, vintage, and under 21s. Results from the meeting will also count towards the under 25 series. Hope to see lots of you there. If you know anyone who would like to borrow a boat, let me know, and I will do my best to help out. If you haven't done so already, please please can you let me know if you are coming, and when if you are likely to arrive on friday.
Hey All. I'm taking More A Tart Than A Pudding to Bala's bank holiday regatta weekend and was wondering if any other 12s were going? Would be nice if I wasn't the only one!
On 30th May, there will be a training session run by Graham Camm at Olton Mere SC.
The plan for the day is to be ready rigged for a briefing at 10:30am. Most of the home 12s will be sailing so I'm hoping we can be joined by plenty of visitors! The bar will be open!
For directions, please visit
Please write on this thread if you are hoping to come along - we have a 12 boat limit, including the home boats.
I took 3412 out for a play in the wind today, and when she picks up speed, water gushes in through the centre board slot. Is this normal for double bottom boats or is there something wrong with my slot gasket?
Hi. I'm Chris and I sail 2930 at Olton Mere SC. There are now 4 teenagers at the club with 12s (including myself), and we're interested in trying to set up some sort of youth scene for the class. There are many younger sailors at Olton who will be choosing which class to settle down into in the next couple of years, and for them, I think that an active youth fleet would be a real attraction - and the existing 12 sailors would enjoy a good race or two between people of similar age and experience. I'd be interested in hearing peoples views/opinions. Will also be at the inlands with some of the 12s from olton. Would be good to see how many "youths" are helming.
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