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Topics - Derek

The club at La Rochelle ( have a window end-June early July (student and budget friendly since it is outside the French school hols but after most tertiary educational exams). A long weekend with the rest of the week as a non-sailing hol could be a plan.
Overnight crossings ease the trip if travelling with Tinies.
Nice bit of water, capable club and the prospect of some reasonable weather.
Cheap and cheerful camping or mobile home accom available nearby.
Anyone interested?
Derek N3510
Looking at the fixtures list there is a bit of a shortage of true sea sailing. Here is and idea - 
Exe Sailing Club - where we have previously had championships - is prepared to give us a start within the club racing during one of the weekends when they already have club sea racing scheduled.
The best weekend seems to be 18/19 July.
On this weekend there would be estuary sailing on the Saturday and sea sailing on the sunday. Three races each day.
If we turn up with a load of boats, we are going to overload the rescue facilities, so please let me know if you are likely to attend.
If there are likely to be more than about 10 boats, we had better try to work out where we can borrow a RIB.
Does this sound interesting to you? If so, please let me know!
Derek  3510
Is there going to be anyone in Salcombe next week at a loose end.
I need a crew for 3510 if there is anyone interested (preferably around 45 -55Kg) 7-9st for those still speaking old money.
I am likely to turn up on Sunday morning to avoid the carnage of road closures due to Red Arrows display. You can contact me be e-mail on">, mobile 0033 6 8999 4454 or leave a message in Exmouth with parents at 01395 272071.
As we seem to have a weekend available, and the tides are right in the Exe, there is an opportunity for a bit of big estuary and sea sailing for anyone interested.

I will be back for the weekend of the 23 /24th of June and I have checked with Exe SC. They are happy to let a group of N12s paricipate in club sailing that weekend if they know in advance how many are coming.
The club is great, it is high tide in the middle of the day and there is a sea race scheduled for Sunday.

Anyone interested, please let me know so that I can warn the club and ensure that there is enough space for us. They will charge us something like 10-15 GBP for boat parking for the weekend.

All the best

Derek (3510)
Despite getting organised enough to come back to sail, I still have not managed to find anyone enthusiastic enough to crew for me!
I will not have e-mail access from now on so if you could help me, please call 0033 6 8999 4454 anytime or 01395 272071 from Thursday evening.
I WILL be there!

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