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Topics - BRS

I've just bought 2262 off of Ebay. I've got her drying out in the garage at the moment. From an initial inspection I would say that the hull looks pretty sound. However, the fore deck and side decking is all shot and the outer and inner gunwales have delaminated.
Not being a woodworking wizard I'm looking for a few tips. Primarily;
1. What wood veneer should I be looking for on the marine ply for the decks. I know there are may hardwoods available.
2. Can the inner gunwales be stripped, reglued and reused?
The boat has a couple of old bouyancy tanks at the back, they look pretty rubbish and I was going to knock them out and fit bags, would it be acceptable to fit bags, i guess about 4 would be required and is it withing taste to fit a thwart of some sort at the back for sitting on with the bags beneath.
Any advice and guidance would be gratefully accepted.
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