National 12

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Topics - Red Hot Pudding

Just a reminder that the Midland S.C. Open Meeting, is still taking place this coming Sunday. A combined event with the Enterprise fleet. Seperate starts. sr race at 11.00 a.m. Would be good to get an idea of numbers beforehand, so please let me know if you're planning to attend.
Just a reminder to anyone not planning a trip to Pevensey next weekend, Midland Sailing Club in Birmingham are hosting their annual joint N12 and Enterprise open meeting. Forming part of the the MAAT circuit. A full up reservoir, good food, a good bar and an impressive trophy await. All welcome, the more the merrier.
It would be helpful if those considering attending, would post here!
Looking forward to seeing as many visitors as possible.
Ian  N3316
Two weeks to go until the the MAAT Open Meeting at Midland Sailing Club.
Based in Birmingham on Edgbaston Reservoir, the event will be run in conjunction with our Enterprise Open.
The 65 acre reservoir is full and the 'historic' Firefly Trophy, currently in the hands of Tom White, is up for grabs.
Attendance permitting, we'll have prizes for AC and Vintage boats.
We're hoping to get atleast 5 home boats on the water, so please join us and help make this joint event a success for the Midland Area 12's.
Looking forwarding to welcoming as many visitirs as possible.
Just a reminder that Midland S.C. will be hosting the final event (and hopefully the series prizegiving), of the 2011 of the MAAT series on Sunday 16th October.
First race will be at 11.00 a.m. Entry fee is £10.00.
Anyone attending the Olton S.C meeting on the Saturday prior, is welcome to bring their boat to Midland for storage overnight. Our bar is normally open until about 7.00 p.m after club racing on Saturdays.
An idea of numbers would be useful for catering purposes, so if those who are planning to attend could respond here that would be good.
Any queires at all, please let me know. Looking forward to seeing as many 12 sailors as possible.
3316 (Wot More Pudding)
On the subject of sail measurement, will there be measurer at Olton Mere on Saturday . I have a new set to done.
Ian Smith
Can anyone advise on the msot effective system for rig adjustment. I'm fitting a brand new carbon rig into a Crusader, there are no fittings in the boat so I have a blank canvass to work with.
Should I set it up so that the rig can be raked while sailing, i.e. jib halyard and shrouds can be adjusted from either side of the boat, enabling the shroud tension to remain the same. If so, how can the leeward shroud tension be released for downwind?
Or, should the shrouds be independant of each other and even rig tension be managed via calibration marks of some sort?
Some pictures of existing systems would be good.
Help! Thanks very much.:-/