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Messages - tonyelgar

I once used (in my college student days!) a curtain rail as a tiller extention. I have also used the tube from an extending boat hook as a tiller on one boat. At the end of the day an aluminium tube is an aluminium tube. My advice is to think outside the box, and pester your local chandler for an old something or other to do the job (returned sales hanging about that they wish to get rid of is a favorite!)! How about an old mop handle from those aluminium mops with the screw on mop head? Cost effective it is - not to mention recycling is good for the environment!
Thanks for all the input guys,
I have a (hopfully) serious buyer down to weymouth for the lark tonight, so fingers crossed. Me and simon have been chatting about 3236 so things are looking like I will be back in a 12 very soon!

Ditto on the diameter, 3mm is the norm on most dinghies. Most decent chandlers will be able 2 knock up some shrouds and a forestay.

If I wanted to do that I could keep the lark! I appreciate what ur saying broz but this isn't my first 12, I'm looking at it as an 18 month- 2year purchase and then see what's what. My last was a baggy which I could never get a suitable crew weight for and it was a bit soul destroying. Especially when u teach sailing for a living - u think  u should be going better than u are, but it can be more like sweeping ball bearings uphill!
Just to enlighten my ignorant mind, what are the big differences between the 3 types of the crusader? From having a hunt about on the forums and boat database a trend certainly seems to be people found the '88 to be more challenging in the light stuff? Im based on the sea so getting the right variant is going to be important, I struggled with the cheshire cat, since she was much happier on river/inland orientated waters.
Thanks Tim.
Giving it some thought I'm more swayed by the idea of an AC boat. I think I have a better chance of competing in AC fleets if we got on the road, and my girlfirend is a somewhat novice sailor still, so AC might be better in that respect too. I have made some enquiries though!
after having seen burton week from a distance this weekend (I live in weymouth! And yes, I know - but I couldn't get away from work anyway:(), and the other half showing an interest in going sailing with me I am seriously considering getting another 12.  Been sailing a lark recently and had alot of club success, but its not the same is it:)! We are going to be on the heavy side (21-23 stone) but I think it'll be more fun, plus "Run Fat Boy Run" has just joined WSC so there could be some competition.
If there is anyone mad enough to want to swap / part ex either a crusader/D8/early AC final chapter/man-o-war then I would be very interested in hearing from them, as I do really need to clear the lark first. Somewhere around the £800 - £1200 mark tops really. Alternatively if there is a good project for very little money I may go down that route for next season.
Tony (ex 2760 ex3255)
I believe the ferry bridge inn at the weymouth end of the causeway is now doing cheap accomadation now, currently run by a dive firm and I couldnt say what type of accomadation but its just about stumblable from WPNSA!
Is there going to be scope for boats avaliable to be borrowed for this coming year. Not owning a 12 now I still wouldnt mind joining in, esspecially on "home turf" so to speak.
I work for a training centre in weymouth and we have a fleet of ribs we sometimes hire out. We ve been shut this year for re-building but we will be open again as of march. Let me speak to my boss this week and I will send you some more information if we can help.
Tony Elgar
(ex 2760/3255)
unlikely to be making it with 3255 now, I just havent managed to get the boat sorted and other commitments are looming too! bit gutting but maybe next time.
im in weymouth only just along the way so might be able to make this one. assuming i get my boat put back together before then, not having a lot of luck making the time so far!
If one thing is obvious from this thread it is that there is alot of passion from various corners for the class. That said it isnt particularly good form to sink into a battle of wills over a public forum that anyone - particularly potential new class members - can see. The event this year was obviously a success for many reasons, but the point of additional entries from a different format is a good point and is always going to occur whenever you run an event. Could the class consider having a bi-annual event? SO if this year was a 4 day early in the year, next year could be a week in the summer, and so on. That along with the many other opens the class runs surely there is enough sailing for everyone without getting stressed over the matter?
i sail the baggy with a 29er style off the boom system and it works ok, but the cheshire before that was a pain for it so i went back to aft sheeting. the down side of off the boom is if u have a beefy rachet block the crew can get a right battering from it if they lean there head back too much!
Boats / Re: N2760 Grimalkin
29 May 2009, 11:03
good effort jeremy, she looks stunning
i spoke to jo one morning and he mentioned 20.5 stone between them, so around that mark i guess.
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