National 12

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Messages - 3513SL

Thanks to all 23 boats that turned up (well 22 that sailed plus Gerald's Foolish.....) for a fantastic weekend. Y&Y report to follow, but for now here is a link to a gallery of photos taken by local professional photographer Pavel Kricka:

Boats / Re: N3365 Jemima
16 Jul 2018, 08:06
Posted For Sale in Claxton, Norfolk on 02/05/16 and has recently appeared on Apolloduck, still in Norfolk.

We successfully streamed the World Cup Semi-Final tonight in the club and will do the same after racing on Sunday if enough sailors are interested.

Don't be put off by the light forecast - with the heat we've had recently we should get a sea breeze, it filled in at 11am last Sunday.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!
Bacon rolls will be available both days, we have some live music on Saturday evening plus a number of 'sailor's suppers' alongside the normal galley menu. Weather looking warm, so we'll be able to watch the sun go down over the river in the evening.

Racing will be finished well before the 1600 kick off for the World Cup on Sunday.

Please enter before 1200 on Friday to benefit from the £4 early entry saving - buy a beer with that instead!

Looking forward to seeing the biggest fleet we've seen for an open in the past few years a team RHYC!

Any questions just ask - yes Angus, I have found you a crew.
I'm informed that racing will be finished on the Saturday in time for the World Cup Final....
Hi All,

Just to let you know entry is now available on the RHYC website for the 12 Gul Series Open on 14/15 July. Unfortunately Merlin Week ends on the day before but I'm reliably informed that most are going to make the journey from Salcombe to Woolverstone in time for the 11 am start on Saturday!

Enter below:

There will be a few other classes joining us but we will have our own start.

As usual camping at the club is free, ok to arrive on Friday evening too. If you want a boat or crew let me know and I can try to arrange that.

Who is planning to come along? Hopefully the weather will stick around for the next two weeks and we'll get a sea breeze for the racing!

Hi All,

I've just entered for North West Norfolk Week 2018.

Who else is coming along to join the fun and enjoy a week of N12 class racing, perfect warm up for Burton Week in Brixham!!

Full details are on the new Norfolk Week website, here:

Hi All

Further to the below, a brief outline of the weekend:


Rigged and ready for 11am
Sailing session 1
Lunch break
Sailing session 2
Post Sailing de brief with Steve Irish
Food - last year we went to the pub which is a 5 min walk away as club was not open in the evening.

No Steve Irish coaching but probably 10:00 briefing, get out on the water sharpish after that, come in for lunch then a short session before heading off.

Hi All

Hope everyone is looking forward to a dry and warm weekend at Rutland! Forecast is looking on the lighter side but that is great for those who are using the weekend to introduce the younger members of the family into the 12!

The plan is to kick the session off at 11, so rigged, changed and ready by then please.

You can send a cheque to me anytime!! However I think the NTOA might prefer it if you sent it to someone responsible!
Either to Michael or Janet / Kevan, I'm sure.

Camping info is here:
Hi All

Just a reminder that you must enter and pay by Thursday latest to get the early entry discount!
Hi All,

Just a quick reminder that the early entry discount to 12 Fest will stop on 31st May.

Like last year, we'll have a great weekend and learn to sail our 12s faster!

Steve Irish is confirmed for the Saturday and the usual N12 gurus will be helping out on the Sunday.

We had over 20 boats turn up last year - lets try and beat that this year!

Camping is very cheap and is the opposite the car park entrance.

You can sign up here:

Boats / Re: N3136
19 Apr 2018, 08:46
Michael Wilson owned this boat 25+ years ago. It is a one off designed by Chris Haworth from Blackpool. It has never been measured or registered as a 12, but has come up for sale. Her name is 'Jiggery-Pokery'

Edd Gerrard is the current owner, and the advert is:

"She comes with road trailer and launching trolley (not pictured) two sets of sails, cover . Could do with a bit of tlc but could be used straight away. Selling due to lack of time to use, I'd rather someone got enjoyment from her. Located close to J5 M65. Thanks for looking."
That's a shame Paul.

Anyone who was planning to go to TVSC, you're welcome to attend the sprint racing at RHYC on Sunday, first race 10.30. In the past 12s have been allowed to turn up and pay £5 if they're not RHYC members.

We're planning to run 6 races.


Hi Paul

Regret we won't be attending this GUL event, which is a shame
