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Messages - James Taylor

Sorry Boys and Girls,

Look's like we might only be doing the one Gill this year as a the are far too far away for us the only real one to do is Bristol as the other are all the other side of the country for us  :'( :'(, Shame.
Will have to see what the SW series looks like and how sw the series really is!

James and Emma
3304 & 3402
General National 12 chat / Foils
01 Dec 2006, 11:48
Morning All

Need some help !!

Does anybody know or have heard of Stanley Thomas Foils, Any good, what are they like?

Did the old Google and nothing showed up. ??)


N3304 & N3402
Cool ,can't wait, ;D
Hoilday already booked off, brixham cottage all booked, Emma has been busy just need the entry form and lot's of practice before Burton!!!!!

James and Emma
N3304 & N3402
Just A quick note to say well done to Janet for rerceiving her award.
Photo's of the night are on the link below.

Well Done Janet :D

James and Emma
N3304 & N3402
Hi Chris

You could also try in cornwall very good have made some covers for vintage Merlins and an under cover for one of my N12's price resonable and he would talk to you about what you want. He has also made covers for Tailisman N12.

N3304 and N3402
Thats ok then I only want a english version as I am from Devon and can't read cornish !!
Boarder Control

Would like to point out that you don't pay to get out of Cornwall you pay to get in to Devon but if you go the otherway is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  Cornwall don't you just love it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Drove all the way into town at lunch time to get the NEW YACHTS and YACHTING went in to a well known newsagents and they have got the old one out >:( . Asked the assitent if they had the new one and was told if they haven't got it out, then it is not out yet.

Will have to wait until I got to Falmouth tomorrow now.

Not Fair :X

James & Emma
3304 & 3402
For those of you who either do not believe or have not  seen a wayfarer.
The wayfarer class offers a boat tent for hire, and people go racing in these boats !!!!!! :'( :'(

See link below if you go not believe that these are the people who didn't want to camp at Starcross because of the noise, they could have sailed up the river and camped and then sail back down for the race oopps they would have already raced.  ( race to take down the tent and sail / race back to the yacht club)

3304 & 3402

N12 Rules (We were the development of all)
Well all I am going to say is Penzance Sailing Club perfect venue.
But then I would say that as for once I would have to drive that far (for a drift)

As there are only Two really active member it the West would also say Mounts Bay Sailing Club but would prefer PZSC as Home club and would like to get more club members to try a Twelve am going to work on this Idea next year as will (hopefully) being  one of the clubs sailing instuctors can guide people in to a AC N12


James & Emma
3304 & 3402
Sorry Kean  

Been really busy haven't been near the boat since Starcross (HHHHmmmmmmmmmm  Long way for a little drift.)

Will email you with sizes as soon as.


3304  & 3402
Need some help please anyone going to the Inland and then the open Meeting in Salcombe please let me know as I am trying to get a mast down from P&B.  And being Way down west  ??) is proving to be a bit of a problem.

Number is in the Book


James & Emma
3402 & 3304
Morning all

There are some P&B Sails on Ebay link Below willm have to cut and paste


James & Emma
3304 & 3402
Can't make Saturday but hope to be up on Sunday. :(

3304 & 3402
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