National 12

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Messages - andymck

There is loads about this on the Phantom web pages, but getting a perfectly clean bottom seems to be the most important bit of advice. Having a slight overap is also better than a straight flush cut for reducing amount of water in the case, and stopping the fountain that can occur at the back.

A lot of the collection went to a wealthy dinghy collector. They are all in a warehouse in the south east somewhere. I was chatting to the guy who borrowed Ent 1 for the dinghy show, he said that Gypsy was there too. Apparently they are all well looked after, and many of the early examples from many classes are keeping her company.

I would contact the ent class if anyone wants to know more, as they seem to have more info.

General National 12 chat / Re: GPS
04 Apr 2007, 11:53
This is just the idea one class is going to pick up and run with, and they will get more owners as a result. Imagine Burton week training, with several boats with track logs, including the champ favourites. Race winner going through the decisions they made, what a fantastic way to promote the class, and help the fleet standard as a whole.
My wife has just started sailing in the last two years, and the whole concept about wind shifts and on the water decision aking is the hardest thing to tech and learn. I expect we will see it accross all the youth fleets in the next few years, including regattas, as data recorders to help with training.
I dont know how much they cost, but  if similar to an electric compass, I know which i would rather have! and learn more from.
I cant see how one of these could help you in a race, especially if you made it a rule that they could only be used to record data, and not be seen.

Is it about time that the N12 started to look forward again, now the 70th year has finished?

Innovations like this is one of the reasons the Musto Skiff is winning the battle with the 700, I just hope Rick has managed to turn enough heads with his demonstration to get a dispensation for a few events, hopefully for a few boats. I may then be able to persuade my wife that a 12 is a better way to go than a 200 after we have sold the coffin she learnt in.

Anyone need an ENT?

General National 12 chat / Re: GPS
31 Mar 2007, 12:01
Get real guys, many classes have allowed GPS recievers to be carried to get interesting data, even though they are specifically not allowed to be used during racing. This allows you to settle arguments about speed etc, and enter the speed comp. on Y&Y. You just make sure they are in a sealed opaque plastic bag, so no data can be read during the race. Even the most conservative one designs have thought this to be "interesting" and done it.
Would be interesting to see the tracking data too, to see shift patterns at different venues, but perhaps thats a step too far for a developement class!

I remeber Gordon well, as should Graham. My dad and I had two chesire cats in the eigties, one was Gordon. We had them at nottingham. One saturday I was sailing one of them with geoff, and Graham was sailing Gordon with my dad, when he managed to have a tangle with a coxed 8. There was a small hole just below the water line, going into te front tank. They had to sail back to the club at quite an angle in order to stop her sinking. But Gordon was soon back on the water, after a pro repair. She had the area of discolouration on the foredeck then, after being laid up in a back garden for several years near blackpool. We had great fun with her till universty years when she was sold to norfolk.

Andy Mckee
p.s any other stories about Graham?