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Messages - Antony

Our B&B is at the end of the drive and gives the following address:
Cheddar Road,
BS26 2DL

It is important to note that Axbridge is an annoyingly long way from Bristol, coming off the M4 does not mean that you are nearly there!

See you there,
There is a general shortage of crews with DB experience at the moment.  If you fit this decription and are interested in sailing at Burghfield on Sunday, Easter at Waldringfield or at Pagham in mid-April then let me know and I can find you a helm.

The link below will take you to the information for the Easter weekend at Waldringfield.  Ass usual it will be a lovely weekend sailing on the Deben.  Also worth noting:
1.  Due to requests from other classes there are now only 4 races to count even if 6 are sailed, so you can qualify doing only 2 of the 3 days.
2.  There is camping, but the club do not advertise it!


Sorry, just realised I am muddling my boats.  This is Gryphon that did not sell on eBAy and is now listed.

Angus, Ben,

Just to add to this mix I remember varnishing N3208 while I should have been in lectures at University.  For some reason we ended up renting a house in Oxford with a small garage, and my housemates were a bit upset to discover a boat in it one Sunday night.  I do not think i was very sensitive to their views, and pointed out to them that they must not lean their bikes on the boat.

Happy days,
It is a shame that fleet died, although it has been dying for a while and was basically gone over a year ago.

There is no reason why these owners cannot put their boats on the for sale list, in fact it amazes me that people pay eBay and these other websites to sell their boats and never bother to access the best marketplace for a 12 that exists.  The sooner such boats are back in active use the better for the class, and presumably the owners would not mind getting the money either.

Phil, if you have email details for these owners I might try to get in touch with them and tell them how to help themselves.  Incidentally you have bought a great boat, I hope you are having fun with her.  Where are you going to be sailing?

Boring to report:
The stand looked good, and was well staffed (at least it was when I saw it on Sunday).  Thanks are due to a lot of people (as usual) including:

John Meadowcroft, fortunately he has a lot of time on his hands and put it to good use to organise the stand this year as well as setting-up and packing-up.  Given that we started this year with pieces of the stand in three locations the organisation was tougher than usual.
Graham, another top video picking up plaudits all weekend.
Kevin Iles, kindly offered his boat and then did both the set-up and pack-up as well as spending time on the stand on both days.
P&B/Tom, for the boat and generally being helpful over the weekend.
Ranelagh SC, for generous if unrealised support over many years.
All the other volunteers that helped to man the stand, especially those that did both days.

What would be great would be to have a volunteer to take charge for the 2008 show sooner rather than later.

I think that is Jerry Garners old boat, worth talking to him anybody that is thinking of bidding.  I agree that it looks a very good value way to get on the water and win some inland club races.

For those that have not paid much attention to the fixture list please note the next important event:

On Saturday 24th there will be a whole day of coaching by a team led by Graham and Zoe.  To help ensure that there are sufficient coaches to maximise the benefits of the day it would be helpful if Graham knew who was coming along.  Please let him know asap if you plan to attend as it will help keep the student/teacher ratio about right.

In addition, we are hoping to have some boats there on the Saturday for a 'try-a-12' day that will be advertised at the Dinghy Show, so spread the word.  Again it would help to know numbers, and so if you or somebody you know wants to come along please email

Finally:  There is an open meeting on the Sunday to test what you have learnt!

See you all there,
It is being built in Suffolk, onshore Suffolk rather than off the coast.  When you meet a rich custom builder of high-tech racing dinghies perhaps you could point them out to me.  I know some of the best in the country and none of them are exactly flash with their cash!!

The formal process (not that it is very formal) is to write a note or email to the Chairman of the Technical Sub-Committee, Jonathan Brown.  Jonathan will then consult this expert team, and give an opinion to whoever asked the question and to the General Committee for their consideration.

Jonathan will not notice or respond to a discussion on the forum.

My own opinion on your question is that you might struggle to convince me that any area of your sail that had two layers of cloth was not re-inforcement (assuming it was not a batten pocket).

I gave you some survey feedback as you requested, and you have ignored it.  Last time I do anything for you!!
