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Messages - martin 1262

Thanks Martin. Spooky they started the thread about same time as me! It seems that white is best as it does not absorb heat, white seems to make sense, and they suggest 2 pot. It that what anyone would recommend?
I have a carbon mast which needs a coat of paint, as it is starting to look tatty. What is the best paint to use, anyones experience would be welcomed.

Hope to be there in White Heat, with the boy as crew.
Hope weather not like last year, we didn't even get to the start! However hope its not a drifter !!
With a db perhaps we can do better this year,
If someone could cast an eye over the rig set up, would be grateful!

General National 12 chat / Re: Hi All
20 Aug 2007, 07:50

Welcome to the class!

If you can get to Lincoln, the is a growing 12 fleet there, mix on Double bottom and Admiral cuppers, and a friendly bunch!

Website is

Hope to see you soon.

Boats / Re: N3109 Gnasher
28 Jun 2007, 05:31
She looks fabulous, would she be looking for a new home, or has she found her keeper!

Are there any more photos? Will she be on the open vintage/4 plank circuit?

It might be worth getting hold of the measuement certificte as thaat would inicate the weight when last measured. If it is not excessively over the min weight, you can make up any disavanatges in other ways, eg lightweight crew!

If you write to the N12 assocation you can get a new certificate for little cost!

For handicap racing, at the club, I woul not think it worthwhile, as mentioned before lost of stiffness etc, and also what will you find behind the tanks. Looking at the pictures it looks a pretty boat, and may not be so pretty with the tanks ripped out!

Hope that helps


My laptop seems to be working ok, try this link

perhaps save in favourites.

Not sure if that helps

Boats / Re: N2659 Manhattan
26 Feb 2007, 10:46
Owned this one from 1981 to 83. Second 12, and my second Jackpot design.

Photo taken circa 1983, shame the photograher missed it when it was being sailed flat!!

Still can see the clinker lines.

Seemed to be much more stable to sail thanthe original Jackpot, not sure why.?!
Looks great Well done,   and a wanted and bits for sale too!!

Is is worth putting (somewhere) on the quick link on the home page?

Boats / Re: N2458 Jackpot
05 Feb 2007, 07:55
Taken in 1979
Boats / Re: N3355 Parallel Lines
02 Feb 2007, 09:49
This was taken sept 2006
Boats / Re: N3037 Verte Subito
31 Mar 2007, 10:41
My 3rd N12 bought this year on ebay. The one that got my son into sailing.
Sold in November to someone from Hull, Spent a month on a new paint and varnish job, see photo
Boats / Re: N2458 Jackpot
31 Mar 2007, 10:36
I owned her in the late 70's early 80's for a couple of years, and was my intro to sailing and loved sailing her. I sold her to someone from Cambridgeshire way back then, but don't know wher she is now.
I bought her off a friend who rescued her from abandonment at Grafham Water, and he spent some time bringing her back to life.. Hope she is still around somewhere..

Have you got that photo Gerry?

Having looked at this thread with interest,which started life as what is not included in the 78kg, I for one would do not want to see any wholesale changes to the weight defintions, however we care to measure it. Many people buy and sail 12's because they are a great family boat, give the owners a challenge to race and get the best from it, and also meet a great bunch of friendly guys...and carrying few extra kg's at the back end of the fleet (where I normally find myself) isn't going to make all that much difference. Regular sailing and finding out what makes them tick is far more valuable, which includes getting friendly tips from other guys.  I can easily lose weight from my boat...simply by looking at what I eat!!!

However the fact that we do have a development class also highlights something that some other classes don't have.. and thats plenty of healthy debate on so many issues...I am sure that will never end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps having a lighter crew might work!

My apologies for wrecking your boat!!! But I am sure it's easy enough to fix.

I think my anchoring point is bolted throught he hull, with a staninless stell plate on the inside to spread the load... Just need to make sure the outside of the hull is counterbored and filled in.

Also think that the fixing in along an internal brace...

Hope you get it sorted


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