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Messages - thedodger

John, I am happy to help with one element of the above, but not all four. I would certainly be happy to volunteer collecting and to setting up the stand, but that would be my bit. Is that any use to you. If we all do a bit, the job will not be so onorous! Simon 3454
Hi Matt, it's on the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd August. I am encouraging the Spinnaker boats to go and we could get six or seven.
Swanage have a well organised regatta with some great sailing in the bay. If we get enough twelves there they will most likely give us our own class racing and a cup. I am sure we will get a number of Spinnaker boats there this time, anyone fancy joining in?
Hi Graham, have a word with Dawn Brown, she makes a living doing this kind of stuff, you must have Phil's email address. For what it's worth, I believe we need less of the heroics piccis and more of the 'family' approach. The average dinghy sailer thinks sun, not too much wind and lots of fun so this is the generic approach we need as a class.
Lots of boats are sailed with family combinations so let's focus on them rather than the extremes. I think the compromise idea of the 'monkey to man' using the different boats could work well if designed properly, the piccis could then go from zero to hero.
I will look out any pictures I hold and forward to you.
Always at the front when it comes to fashion, the National 12 sailor sets trends where others dare tread. Spotted at a recent event in Ringwood, this well known 12 affectionado was seen wearing a pair of shorts (or was that hot pants) supplied by his loving wife...
Despite the efforts of his crew and some close friends to discourage this outrageous experiment in cross dressing on the race course, he insisted on wearing them throughout the day.
Recognise him? all I can say is I'm not having him near my boat dearie!
Well done Graham and Zoe, now you'll have to come again and defend the cup next year! Shame Tom, Alex and me were on shore rather than sailing, hopefully our crews will be available next time. Felix couldn't get bback from France, James was in the USA so not a spectacular club turnout. At least we were busy making sure the event went well, seems everyone had a great time. Simon 3454 Jammy Dodger.
Boats / Re: N3184 Wom Pom
12 Jun 2008, 05:11
Almost ready for the Spinnaker Open Meeting 2008, I've now got the first coat of epoxy filler on (lost the pic temporarily) and just need to sand down. Will finish filling and repainting this summer with Thomas.
Boats / Re: N1780 Barnacle
12 Jun 2008, 04:58
Two pictures off Ebay
Boats / Re: N1780 Barnacle
12 Jun 2008, 04:56
12.06.08 For sale on Ebay
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