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Messages - chopper

Does anyone have or know of a daggerboard 12 that might be up for grabs looking for a project over the winter not looking to spend a lot anything considered.
thanks Paul
Does anyone have or know of a daggerboard 12 that might be up for grabs looking for a project over the winter not looking to spend a lot anything considered.
thanks Paul
Boats / Re: N2926 John B
18 Jun 2009, 02:08
This was my first national 12 in about 1988 I think rember that to pass a bouyancy test the rig tension would have to stay off on account that front bouyancy tank would lift off the floor
Hi all here is my problem I am the proud owner of Gillespie 3179 rowsell cruisader, still seems prety quick how difficult and expensive does it need to be fitting a double bottom what about keeping the weight down is that possible or does it have to get heavier.
reagrds Paul
the time has come to put a asymetric spinaker on our n12s to give us better performance off the wind this is a mod that would not outdate older boats.
Hope everyone enjoyed burton week I couldnt make it down in the end had too much to do hopefully get some opens in so i can meet you all
regards paul
hi thanks Howard I will be at burton Im coming down to help on beach hope to arrive on sunday night all being well.
I live in mersea island near colchester essex, ive got a crusader to sail with my 7 year old boy and just fancied a bit of vintage racing if i can find a boat.
regards Paul
Boats / Re: N2957 Punkawallah
19 May 2009, 11:53
i used to race against punkawalla in the late 80s at king george sailing club it liked the light stuff
Hi guys ive been thinking of getting involved with vinatge sailing does anyone know of any free to good home clinker boats that would be a relativley easy project to play with
regards paul
That would be no problem im a experiance rescue crew and also not too young (39) would love to get involved been a few years since ive been to the burton last vist was 1989
If any of the powers that be are reading if any helpers is required for burton week im not going to be able to sail due to no crew Im only down the road in essex want to come down anyway and meet people so if any help is required I would like to offer my services.
all the best Paul
tel:-07960 874365
Hi ive returned to 12s after several years away and came back to a crusader to sail with my 7 year old son and was surprised how stable the crusader was compared to my last 12 PAWS it is tippy but only up to a point like previous replys have said but it does stabilize when its up on its ear doesnt win races that way but better than putting lumps underneath
kindest regards paul
if you need any advice feel free to give me a call on 07960 874365
Took Gillespie out for the first time today with my 2 boys aged 7 and 8 it sailed gr8 seemed much more stable than my last n12 Paws (the infamous) when coming into shore jumped out to catch us (both boys refused said it was too deep) smashed my leg somehow masive lump and pain is getting worse strating to throb now MAN IM UNFIT.
But GILLESPIE sailed a treat after 3 years of non use few things to sort out c/bourd lifts on its own will probably put a cleat system on it, will put downhaul on rudder dont like having a pin to hold it down for sea sailing, new elastic on transom flaps, and make tow straps longer for Jack (my7 year old who will be crewing when racing starts)
all the best paul 
Boats / Re: N3179 Gillespie
28 Apr 2009, 04:44
Gillespie has had a quick few coats of varnish on the sides here and there and will be headed for the sailing club tommorow.
will propably do a full revarnish in the winter but ready to sail now hopefully be at the the Burton if I can train my boy up in time
Really want to do Burton week but thinking my little boy  (7 year old) will need to be substituted if the wind blows the last time I sailed at thorpe bay was in a int 14 and we got wiped out in a force 6+ the wind suddenly picks up there.
so is anyone gonna be around and fancy the odd dabble in the Front of Gillespie recently brought out of hibernation.
also dont spose anyone has a 2nd hand mast up cover they want to sell the cover ive got is flat and dont allow for mast I need to keep Gillespie in dinghy park this summer
all the best Paul
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