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Messages - DavidW


Spinnaker was  in the SW area when it was last active. We are some distance from London and many Lodoners do consider us to be in the West Country! Spinnaker is hardy in the centre of the Thames Area either and is about as distanct from the opposite extreme of that area as it is from you. We're a bit stuck in the middle - we're delighted to be in Thames Area and would love  to be in the SW too. I am also a fan of the SW, particularly Salcombe, and will always try to get to the SW meetings - regrettably this hasn't always been possible for me of late due too clashes with family commitments.

In terms of promotion in other clubs this can be tricky as most tend to stick with their own adopted classes  - ideally we should aim to share an open meeting day with a suitable 2 person feeder class, turn up in numbers armed with an eyecatching display board and put on an impressive display of racing and socialising leaving time for others to try out our boats. Perhaps a Mirror event?



Of course we should - we're happy to be bi-area. A Thames meets SW venue.

We'll be there - I've missed it too  many times in recent years. Stock up on the sandwiches and cakes!
There may be a bit of a problem with the smartgroup - I never receive postings from it any more. try posting to and see hat happens.



Where would you be sailing when you get a 12? - did you get this one?

We have a small fleet at Spinnaker Club near Ringwood - is this too far for you?


3481 Cooked to Perfection

A very smart looking Paper Dart has appeared on ebay with an interesting commentry -

I knew this boat in the 80's when it was certainly very well cared for - still looks in excellent shape in the photos.


David 3481 Cooked to Perfection
If I recall John Wills was a member at Porchetser SC. He built well but wasn't renowned for doing particularly well in racing in this or any other 12. The difficulty with a one off such as this is that there is no real basis for comparison as the boat hasn't been raced by people known to be able to win major races - the truth is that there have been very few absolute dogs in the history of the class and this isn't one of them. If the boat is in good condition it souns like a good buy at that price.


Great that you've seen the light - a little bit of perseverence is often required by newcomers but the rewards are worth it!

The stiffness will diminish as you get more used to that level of activity in a boat, you'll doubtless be moving much more than you were in your Miracle!

Continue to enjoy!


See under the thread for a mast on e-bay!

A quote from the seller

"Hi. The sail number is 2489. It is a china doll design. The hull is in a sorry state, quite a few planks have sprung, the foredeck is lifting, one side deck has a broken section at the back and some rot and there is some rot at the back. Hope this helps. It would be free to anyone who can collect. Cheers Rosalind."

This boat is Electress - in the capable hands of John Hoyle she finished 2nd in the Yachting  World Silver National in 1970 - surely someone out there can save her?


Even quicker this time!

A Crusader is a sound bet - you'll love the 12 and soon discover the delights of exceptional responsiveness and outpointing all other classes in handicap racing. You may find her tippy at first but persevere and you wont be dissapointed!

Good luck


A quote from the seller

"Hi. The sail number is 2489. It is a china doll design. The hull is in a sorry state, quite a few planks have sprung, the foredeck is lifting, one side deck has a broken section at the back and some rot and there is some rot at the back. Hope this helps. It would be free to anyone who can collect. Cheers Rosalind."

This boat is Electress - in the capable hands of John Hoyle she finished 2nd in the Yachting  World Silver National in 1970 - surely someone out there can save her?



You've made a good choice of class - there is nothing to stop you having a centre main , or even a bow main if you so wish!
As for design, you've made no mention of your budget which could have a bearing upon which designs are available to you.

With just 20 stones on board there are few which wouldn't suit, with the exception perhaps of a Street Legal. If there's litle wind and lots of tacking involved a Final Chapter may be more difficult than something with the rocker a bit further forward, but would still be capable.

Where is the lake you'll be sailing on?  



That should sort your problem Philip. You may need to back the jib a bit at fist to get to bear away enough then sheet it in on the other side and let it steer you onto your course. sheeting in the main will tend to turn you into the wind so must be left until you have adequate steerage way. Have you tried sailing with no rudder yet? It's well worth it as it teaches you a lot about handling the boat (not recommended for racing though!)

Back to the original issue  - I''m sure there could be a market for " in beteweenies" on the floor height. This would help with the righting problems and add to the comfort factor - particularly I think for those in the front. Fortunately my knees haven't complained too much about the double bottom but I'm not sure that my physio thinks my light weather sailing postion is particularly  beneficial to my back!
There is of course no reason why someone shouldn't commission a lower floored or new single bottomed boat - the latter may well be cheaper to build too? Apart from the questionable aesthetics Gavin's boat certainly fits the bill for Gerry  - there must be a halfway house solution  too on the sheerline height which could produce a boat kinder on the eye but with a bit more knee room - should we look forward to seeing you in a new boat Gerry!

It could give someone  more confidence on taking the single bottom route if they new that others might follow - or that there would be a demand later on the second hand market at similar prices to those of double bottomed boasts  - views?


Welcome to the class Rick and good luck with sailing today - you could get a bit wet!

I suspect that your owners pack has been delayed due to Kevan & Janet being so busy organising another brilliant championship week. I just had a quick look at the 2000 handbook in which 2966 is very unusual as there are no details against her number. I'm intrigued - let us know your findings.



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