National 12

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Messages - GC

Philip David is going ( or I've got a spare crew)
Sorry to hear you can't make it simon. I was hoping to show you my new Rudder. Should improve boat speed by at least 25% I recon. 
See you somewhere.
I must add my thanks to Welland for oraganising a great day- Bacon butty to get us going, superb wind and very efficient starts with Sarah giving people just enough time to be ready and no time wasted. Thanks also to Paul for giving me a hard time all day and to Martin for capsizing when he was going too fast.
Be serious though Simon, Ive only had the Rudder 6 weeks. I only got the pintle on Friday. I don't do thinks in a hurry. Might have it ready for breaking at Norfolk!!
Gerald & Nick are planing to be there. Leaving the others to do the last 5 hours of the 24hour race at Little Paxton so we might be a bit grumpy,
especially Nick
the AA tell me its only 40miles from paxton so maybe we can get an hours kip.  
National 12 crews aren't allowed pies
Hi Ken & Paul,
Anthony is crewing for Phil David And I intend to be there with Tanya (Nick is sailing at Rutland)  
3 Lunches please
Gerald 3411, 3280 & 2881
Boats / Re: N3280 Naturally
01 Mar 2009, 07:48
purchased by Gerald Copsey March 2009 from Ben Woodcraft
I have now enterred also. Can't wait to see Simon in his new boat
PS Simon I think I have some Orange paint if you need it!!! 
I agree that the Admirals Cup criteria has changed in the past and must change again. All Old boats were new once and all new boats will one day be old. I have no problem with the new crieria but the handbook contradicts itself. This gives the definition in the first paragraph (on page 9) as  ...'none  self draining boats not having a double bottom or similar hull construction.' but in the second states irrespective of hull configuration.'' One of these paragraphs must be wrong.
Hi Kevin.
The Copsey family will all be there (camping).
I'm Looking forward to Burton week at Thorpe Bay. It's the first time I've got accomodation sorted before the events location is confirmed. I hope lot's of boats turn up to support the class. I understand the reason for a short week and the timing but I hope that we can have a champs after exam time in future years. A four day event would only use up 2 days holiday which is nothing for anyone keen on sailing. My preference is for a week but clearly if more people want a short week then thats democracy for you and I'd rather sail in a larger fleet. To encourage youngsters I suggest that the comittee look at making entry fees even lower for them. If we get them sailing 12s hopefully they will stay in the class and pay a full fee for many years. 
Now that my password is working I'd like to add my thanks to all at Ripon especially Bernard and Jennie for letting me in on the Friday night and for a great days sailing.
PS We also finished all three races without capsizing (one capsize before the start) with less than seventeen stone in the boat so get dieting Simon.