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Messages - James Taylor

Hi all does anyone know much about 3402 I have been in contact with steve and woundered if anyone knows much about the boat and how she gets on. As cannot find any results for her any were.

Hi all
Looking for some Accomadation for Burton Week, For just the two of us James and Emma,
Yes I know I only live down the road but don't want to miss any of the Socials and foget to get in early for the campsite dohhhhhhhhhhhh. ??)
Either email or number is in the book.


I have brought a Carbon boom from Aardvark over the winter looking to upgrade the rest of the bost now, After the car accident on the way up to Northampton and finally after three weeks of waiting they have finally amited it was there fault. So she is going to be have a new transom over the winter (and while we are there we are going to take out a bit more wood ).

Thinking about may be the moving up to a newer boat though can't work out what would be the best though as we are on the heavy side want a Double bottom ideally.

Hi all

Wondering weather anyone knows of a Carbon mast going cheapish for a AC boat or a rough cost for a new one.

Also I am on the look out for a better set of sails ideally newer that 2001 in good condition.
Thanks you can email me at or number is in the book.

James 3304
Hi All

Well have Come home with alot to think about like now really trying to learn how to sail her a hell of a lot better, Again would like to thank Graham for looking at the boat and coming for a quick sail in between races we are going a lot better. Got a 1st on Saturaday and after a 2 minute late start got a fouth last night both of us have learn't alot at northampton.

Graham will let you know how we get on when i start a race on time, as I had someone quoting for the repairs which was why I was late.(yes i know not really a good excuse)

Oh and Mike I think we said some thing like I don't think we will be buying a calander next year!!!!! :P :P


Thanks Graham and Kevin,

Just to let other people know spoke to Segdebrook and they have said it was fine to take the boat in there car pack on Friday evening so thanks Janefor the offer of letting me in but I will take the boat there.




It gone again what else am I suposed to look at on a boring saturday morning at work !!!!!!!    :'(
James N3304

I've got one, which I bought Aug 05.  I am new to the class and in light winds it has been great fun leading the club around the race course.  Overall she has been great so far and we are planning to go to Northampton and Burton Week to see how we get on.  

James N3304
General National 12 chat / Dinghy Show
05 Mar 2006, 07:16
So anyone go today hope there was lots of people around the 12's stand couldn't make it as was on call. :(

James N3304
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