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Messages - Phil Brown

Thanks to Graham and Zoe and everyone at Burghfield for the coaching on Saturday, for all the tips, help and advice, just what was needed

Boats / Re: N3398 Arctic Fox
22 Mar 2007, 10:49
Now renamed

"Fantastic Mr Fox"  
Dawn and I will be there, need to sort out which is the front end etc etc ;)

Any info, estimated  start/finish time etc?
Boats / Re: N3398 Arctic Fox
08 Mar 2007, 10:11
And no visible signs on the boat either, I've just been out and checked!(shock)

We'll be down at Spinnaker on Sunday ( as long as it's not blowing 7000 wotsits like last Sunday) . . to do a bit of tuning up with Mr Adshead. Anyone else from Spinnaker coming down?

Antony, I'll email you the details of the boats from Starcross.

Let's not get too gloomy about Starcross 12s, they've still got some and they've still got friends!

. . and to pick up from a couple of other threads, the best publicity is to be seen out there - on the water.

Antony, good to see the try a 12 at Burghfield, that should go well.

It works very well at club level too, promotes the class within the club and hooks into those moving up or  looking for something new and/or different. It's great publicity if nothing else. Haven't got Simon to try it at Spinnaker  - yet - but I've done it elsewhere in another class with great success.

I'm told the keenies have had their heads turned by the B14s and therefore the not so keenies don't have anyone to get them out sailing

A lesson to every fleet but that's the same the world over, in any class

Not that it was all good news for the B14s at the Starcross Steamer. As a spectator, it was definitely crash and burn sailing, blistering and spectacular reaches but 3 broken masts ( that I saw) and a high attrition rate, but not surprising, given the wild conditions.

The 12s finished. .
From our recent (successful) trawl  through the market in the last 3-4 weeks, we came across the following resulting from a wanted ad placed on Starcross's website, all still for sale I believe and near Exeter

3296 - Design 8 - Just being refitted after a refurbish In good nick. 2 Suits sails, Combi new rudder stock and blade

3377 - Baggy Trousers - Carbon mast, metal boom, largely Harken, Yellow/grey. Combi

3281 - Crusader 88 - Combi. 2 suits sails

I can give you some further info if you email me

What's the policy for getting these on the For Sale list? Clearly I'm not selling these nor am I acting as an agent but is there some way the NTOA could post these? Perhaps after confirmation from the seller??

What was the level of interest from the Dinghy Show for "starter" boats?

Gryphon is still for sale. We had considered it but it wasn't quite what we wanted.

Listing on Ebay has ended but it didn't sell, here's the link

Anyone wanting a piece of 12 history, still looks in good shape

Seller is James Morley 07809 875714 and it's in Sheffield. If you're interested, he's very keen to sell, give him a call and Gryphon a good home
To us mere mortals, it's time on the water that counts, learning how to keep metal over plastic (yes, I'm not yet into a "carbon over carbon" budget) and very much the case as we're new to 12's.

From the outside coming in, there has be an easy, relatively low cost entry route that provides competitive sailing at an attractive cost. In our case it was a Design 8 that's got bucket loads of life left in it. Super high tech, super high complexity doesn't suit all and not everyone has the aspirations to win the Burton Cup (although we all dream. . ).

Sailing is different these days. We consume the sport instead of being consumed by it; we want easy access to our sport as time is precious (I know, we run a two kid taxi service).I've yet to see the P&B offering; with those prices, could be they're looking to recoup some set up costs, but they have taken up the baton of providing a package, albeit at a price.

Maybe a vanilla boat that looks the part, another essential these days, that provides off the shelf performance at maybe 97% without looking for those final, few, costly percent, is a way forward, within a framework of class that provide opportunity for innovation and experiment for those that feel inclined.

Personally, that is the appeal of the 12 and I can't wait to take up the challenge.
Boats / Re: N3398 Arctic Fox
01 Mar 2007, 06:53
Feb 07. Now owned by Phil and Dawn Brown and sailing at Spinnaker (and beyond). Lightweight (family) crews also available for the right conditions!

Sold to us by Vyv Game at Starcross. Any earlier history and photos?
Was originally named Charlotte Sometimes and does feature in the handbook.

According to Ovingtons, one of 6 (?) built by them in a female mould. Epoxy and Divinacell and would have been vacuumed and possibly cooked.

It's a great boat and really looking forward to sailing

So, look out guys, we'll be after you . . .
. . just as soon as I work out what all these strings do (book2)

See you out there(sunny)

Gentle breezes and warm water help as well

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