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Messages - JohnMurrell

Boats / Re: N3396 O' Crikey
25 Mar 2015, 06:10
Living in darkest Cornwall when I saw her last autumn, I think that Simon Hinks has plans to sail her again this year.
Stuart raises a good question, as we have reached Newsletter no 79, isn't there a way in this 'modern world' we live in that the old newsletters could be scanned and be available to the membership on the website?
I have just frightened myself by realising that I have copies of a third of the issues in the bookcase behind me!
I am not suggesting that this is a small task but with modern professional scanning techiniques it's possibly something to think about? Could we get a commercial body to sponsor our online library?
Just a thought
From memory on most Needlespar's isn't there an aluminium rod that goes through the mast above where the shrouds go into the mast? If so this is sacrificial or can be removed with care, the old shroud should then pull out and then be replaced. 
I have posted a diagram of the Needlespar rigging on the website previously - look at 2760 on the database
Also Robins in Bristol are very good with their timber stocks and will deliver.
Did anyone see Dave's article in Seahorse explaining his design thought processes and how they related to Hijack?
It was the July issue from memory
I think that the plan was to repeat it on 2016, not this year
General National 12 chat / Fotoboat
16 Dec 2014, 06:51
Mike Rice has decided that he is going to close the Fotoboat website in early 2015 so now is the last gasp chance to order that photo that you have been meaning to buy for ages!
To quote Mike's press release today:
A quick reminder that the current Fotoboat website will close early in 2015. 
You still have a chance to acquire a superb souvenir of your sailing at a bargain price, but time is running out. 
Go to, browse for your images and when you come to the checkout, use the code "CLOSE2015" to get a 15% reduction in the basket price.
I agree with Chadders about the grit but a power sander - too agressive for me Paul
Personally I use a Bosch GEX150ACV DA sander available from Screwfix and all other Bosch stockists, ok at £169.99 not the cheapest bit of kit but they last; mine i bought in 1996 and its still going strong. Additionally the fact that Bosch haven't replaced or changed the spec in all that time must say something.
Attached to a Henry and you get an almost dust free working enviroment too - result.
The only consideration is that Henry's don't last as long as the DA - I am on my 3rd now!!!!!
Boats / Re: N2707 Boeing-Boeing
30 Aug 2014, 05:12
I remember the boat well. The person refered to was Robin Smith, he was a BA pilot and at the time flew the London to North America routes in 707's and 747's hence the name. I seem to remember that he never completed a club series due to flying commitments!
Robin sailed her at Staines SC when there was a good fleet of Twelves there - the hull colour looks original as do all the fittings. She's definitely a 4 plank Doll and looks to be in amazing condition for her age.
Boats / Re: N2632 Dinsdale
21 Aug 2014, 03:26
that’s almost done………………
Dinsdale is, with one or two very minor adjustments, ready to sail again!
So what has happened to the boat?  Well apart from the obvious rebuild of the interior and new decks, the plate slot has been widened to take a Winder Foolish plate that rotates around a captive bolt so no visible pivot point. The mast sits in a Merlin style mast step on a P&B mast plate with all the blocks attached to that. There is a dangly pole, the jib sheeting angles have been tightened with new stringers and track and ratchet blocks attached to that â€" the sheeting angle is approximately the same as a DCB â€" and the sheets lead up and through the side deck, again Merlin style.
I still had the original Rowsell rudder and stock but in very poor condition, so whilst the boat was on holiday in Seaton I broke it down into it’s component parts (actually it fell apart!), stripped all the old varnish and paint off, faired it and epoxied it all back together again. Also I have a Winder carbon stock with a suitably profiled blade.
All the controls are lead to the thwart and there is a split end main sheet. I have worked a way to fit lowers but a trip to Seaton will be needed to have a small modification done.
As I want to be able to sail in vintage and CVDRA events I have a choice of rigging. Either way the mast is a Proctor Alpha minus (hands up who remembers those!) but I have a tin Superspars boom as well as a carbon one; 5 minutes to change from one to the other! The sails are white of P&B Talbot Rd vintage with little use and first measured in May 2014(!)
To keep the inside tidy there are buoyancy bag covers, a tale in itself. The transom flaps, modern plastics with Kevlar sail repair tape as hinges.
Boats / Re: N2632 Dinsdale
09 Aug 2014, 03:16
We have found this picture of Dinsdale in 1975 or 76. Definately Salcombe, and the Fairway bouys were then too!!
Now there's a chalenge David, Close to the Edge or Dinsdale?
Both looking in their prime (boats that is not me!) and enjoying being on the water - Salcombe?
Paul, firstly my apologies for missing this year's event, Dinsdale still isn't ready yet - some parts on order have still arrive to allow safe yotting!
For next year I have been 'given notice' of a family wedding for the last weekend of June, apart from that Dinsdale should be there :-/
I don't believe that it conforms to the class rules; the whole boom including fixed fittings shall pass through a 102mm dia circle which clearly this one wouldn't.
General National 12 chat / Carnac 2014
31 May 2014, 06:09
My pictures from Carnac are available on Fotoboat -
Hi Duncan,
Yes, thinking has definitely moved on from when David East put the Darts together!
I had a similar conundrum with Dinsdale (N2632), the tracks were much as yours. With the benefit of a shell up renovation I decided to follow modern sheeting fashion and the tracks are now on the floor of the boat and 13 inches furthur in, ie the same sheeting angle as a DCB. The jib sheets then lead up through the lee side deck into cleats. If you have a look at the images I have posted of Dinsdale, the first & last show the difference.
There are 2 benefits here, firstly closer sheeting angles and secondly you can use a newish s/hand jib knowing that the angles are correct.
If you think back to Vanishing Smile - sorry I still call her that!- the sheeting angle was much as we use today.
From the construction of the Darts you won't be able to do what I have done but it might give you food for thought.
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