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Messages - James Taylor

Just to let everyone know that there is a new addition to the Penzance N12 fleet ,Charlie James Taylor arrived last night at 21:39 weighing 9lbs 2.5,
Everyone is back home and going well. And hope to see everyone soon.
James, Emma, and Charlie
James Would like to thank Sam Childs For travelling down to cornwall to crew for me while Emma is making the new N12 Crew,
We had a great day and won St Ives Regatta with a 3.5 , 2, 3, with no discards but every wind and every direction, including tide,
The RS Boys didn't seam impressed nor was a fireball who we court up but then they found there accellerator!!!!!!!
And a Big Ar*e cup.
Bring on the Royal Navy.:):):)   Plus the Burghfield Youth Massive :):):).
P.s. For my comment the Youth are the Future encourage.
Whats everyone doing for accomadation at salcombe??  any one camping???? We are thinking of coming up can't see how much entry is.
We need to catch up with everyone :)
James & Emma
So who's been going quick then last year then as we have dropped 1 PY number, Not the biggest change but one of not very many.
James and Emma:)
I must say since rick has left the class he has not done much for our rep, He brought a boat which most people and I think the class website has details on saying it is a boat for lightweights and the disisons at Burton 07 in a protest meeting went his way, any from what I can remember it was something that no one else in the class would have protested over.
James 3402 in need of a sail
General National 12 chat / AGM news
23 Aug 2008, 04:54
Afternoon all is there any news from the AGM after speaking to a few people at Teinmouth. would like to know a bit more about what was said.
Whatever you do, do not stay at Broadway House Campsite not far from BCYC.  It was the worst night we have ever had with no late night control over the site so we didnt get hardly any sleep becoz of the music, screaming and chaos.
The managers attitude stinks who said the we were holding them to ransom because we asked for a refund.  We got an apology but no goodwill gesture.  They said they have owned the site 4 weeks, are aware there are problems and they have noone manning the site at nightime. We paid £24 for our little tent for the night and the worst nights sleep ever and dated and grubby toilets in the morning. 
So, at your next bcyc open meeting or you want to take your family somewhere nice with your caravan or tent, dont go here I wouldnt recommend it to familes!
If you do know of any nice campsites in the area please let me or James know so we can get some sleep in before the sailing!
Didn't Merlins try rotating masts a few years ago?  A boat was build in Cornwall by Fibire Fusion with a canting and rotating mast don't think may merlins have this !!!!!! may be outside of class rule but not sure!!!!
James N3402
I would love to Invest Meds, I would love to Buy Max, but money isn't there and at the end of the day for me at the minute is to sort out a wedding date and get enough money to get married !!!!! but as Antony knows I have talked about building my own ,again it's down to money, But have a new job next week building powerboats so may have found some space just need to save really hard for a few years first,
I don't know Why some people say they are a high maintance boat as since we have got the new mast and sails two years ago I have not spent any money apart from this year as I need a new cover which every boat needs from time to time.
James N3402
Quote from: 210I am not sure there is much difference between the restricted Merlin and the development N12 rather than semantics, not in the eyes of the average RS200 sailor anyway ...
I think it's a shame where the N12 is; I like high tech, quality and fine design but the N12 has eveolved into a niche where by you need to be very light to compete ... I very much enjoyed sailing our 12 but we are over 21 stone so we could not compete. Plus I like big fleets and sea sailing.
I think you guys need to come up with a recovery plan before the decline becomes irreversible.
I would have thought the NS14 offeres some inspiration.

So Rick with all the information on the website and the help of other people in this forum you brought a boat which I think most people would agree with is a boat for the lighter weights and may be a diffrent desgin may of helped you also give time to undersatnd the boat and what makes is go so then you could compete it is youre understanding that "you can't compete" you were 14 in youre first nationals  if that was me i would be pretty impressed and by this year you could have improved on that is is only youre opinion that you can't do better. Also last year was a very light wind week the year before at Portpean was a bit diffrent, so you can never have evey thing.

I sail by N12 at sea and love it ,wave jumping in a N12 is awesome.
Yes the class needs to move forward and it will as a class, as Phil said get you boats out at club level build good local classes and the rest will follow.;D
James N3402
I have to say to Rick that you came in to the Class for one year ( One Year )  I have now owned my N12 for 3 years and had my AC for 18 months, Only in the last 3 months have I really got to grips with this boat and well she is now going better than ever and thanks to a lot of people in the class for there help, the people that sail N12's are long standing members of the class they have been here though devolopment of the class have sailed these boats some nearly all there lives and yep there are very very good .these's boats need time to understand and when you tune it to that there are the best boat you will ever sail, Yep I would love to win the Burton Cup but that is not going to happen ,but that  is the challenge to be as good as I can be. You're type of sailing is to win win win and not every one want's this, the N12 is a great product and great people to look after the class, I wish I could get to more events but thats the joy's of living at the end of the UK (pz in cornwall). I would love to see more N12's around but this class is here to stay and will be here for a while yet. Some people need to work out that older N12's offer great fun and a low' ish cost an AC is a great boat I was sad to see mine go but she is being used again and that is more important.
James N3402
We have had new carbon rig 12 months ago and spent most of last year trying to get any prebend in the mast at a surtain point the spreaders stopped working without the sail up so after many chats with Kevin I  filed the front of the mast step of by a couple of mm and we are doing sooooooo much better can finally get prebend.
Hope this helps;D
And going big boat racing tonight ( I hope):-/
No Tim I think you are right we have both booked the time off for Salcombe but other things have stopped us attending which is a real shame Emma really really wanted to sail at Salcombe and I did too,
Saltash/Roadford/Starcross and Bristol are good but for us the others are as you say are to out of the way!!!!
We have done Grafham and I very much enjoyed it but we did have time off just to bimbull up and see family on the way. I like one day meeting as for us we travel or try to with the cost of fuel might not be going to far !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope to see you all soon.;D
James and Emma
Way Down West
Sorry Simon
Emma back at work now so time is limited other wise we would have come up to play in the pond!!!!!!
James and Ems
I know wierd the guy brought it while he was on holiday just like we did and may be moving in to the BCYC area so she might be going home again. Nice to see her going to be used again.
James N3402;D
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