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Messages - Simon

Bernard, thanks for the invite over to Ripon. However I'll be getting ready to receive my new play thing and the garage really does need cleaning out before she comes!

David, thanks for the advice on 2 pack paint. That's just the sort of advice I need.

Thanks again.

I've just bought 3309 today (30/09/07) from Robert Smith who sailed her at Shustokes SC. Current name is 'Silent Knight', that might change as we have a few good ideas for a new name (well we think so!). I must say I'm chuffed with my new boat, she appears to be in excellent condition for her age.

I've not sailed for many, many years but it will be good to get back on the water to teach my daughter how to sail. I just hope she enjoys it just as much as I will!

I'll be sailing her in the handicap fleet at Delph Sailing Club, Bolton if anyone fancies joining us.

I suspect that the hull is epoxied and has then been painted with a 2 pack paint. Over the winter months I'm going to repaint her. Having never worked with a 2 pack paint before does anyone have any advice about repainting her? Should I remove all the old paint back to the epoxy? Can removers such as nitromors be used or is it just good old elbow work and much sand paper!

Any other advice will be greatfully received.



PS There is a couple of other pics of her in the database.
Boats / Re: N3309 Silent Knight
30 Sep 2007, 05:23
I've just bought 3309 today (30/09/07) from Robert Smith who sailed her at Shustokes SC. Current name is 'Silent Knight', that might change as we have a few good ideas for a new name (well we think so!). I must say I'm chuffed with my new boat, see the pics below.

I've not sailed for many, many years but it will be good to get back on the water to teach my daughter how to sail. I just hope she enjoys it just as much as I will!

I'll be sailing her in the handicap fleet at Delph Sailing Club, Bolton.

If anyone else has any info on 3309 I'd love to here from you.


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