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Messages - Richard Pilgrim

I heard today that the Blithfield Open (3rd June) has been cancelled. Does anyone know if there's any truth in that?


This sounds like an excellent idea, but my guess is that the Committee will need to rotate the venues to give other clubs a chance? Pity really, because if that's so, perhaps we've peaked too soon! Maybe Ken G was right and that 2007 would have been a more appropriate year for a Gill meeting at TVSC.

Still, that's hardly our fault so I say, come back in 2007! But Paul please, if they do come back next year, better food and better wind should be ordered now, so there's time to get it organised. Thanks.

N3300  :D
I meant to do this last night, but forgot. I wanted to say that I wish to be associated with the remarks of the last speaker. Paul did a tremendous amount of work in getting this event organized and it all paid off because the sailing (which is why we were all there, I suppose) ran like clockwork! A good humoured event - the wind was a bit rubbish, but then that's Trent Valley for you. As a past club rep at TVSC, I know how hard it has been for Paul to put this event together - doubly, trebly so for a Gill Series meeting, so congrats to him.

N3300 :)

Have you tried contacting Dave Peacock (from whom you bought the boat)? He might have bimbled with the floor himself - worth a try.

I thought the N12 stand was fabulous and was by far the best spectacle of the whole show. What particularly impressed me was the amount of preparation that had been done in advance - well done to Nigel, Graham and everyone else involved in that. It must have been a huge task to get things ready, and was much appreciated!

Hi Graham

I will be at the show for most of Sunday so I could help out in the afternoon if you require. I probably won't be able to help dismantle the stand as I have a train to catch after the show, but if you can find another use for me, let me know. The only thing I can't do is give advice!

Richard Pilgrim
General National 12 chat / Re: Fixtures
04 Mar 2006, 08:17
For the record Antony, I was the N12 rep for TVSC last year and I can inform you that our club did not 'persuade' the committee to hold a Gill Series meeting here. For the record Antony, we were approached by the committee and asked if we would be willing to host a Gill Series meeting which of course, we are delighted to do.

I do so hope you enjoy your dinner next May.

Richard Pilgrim
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