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Messages - simon moss

T shirt ordered ! Boat collected ! Excited little boy!
That's great thanks very much
Thank you for that do you know if it is available Friday night or just Saturday? Thank you.
You might find that your new baggy goes very very fast in all conditions with the keels on!! I'm sure Phil would of removed them if it were needed!
Have fun
Simon 3313
Nutmaeg is now a definate for Ripon  but can't make yeadon due to a Christening :(
Now I've built the tank how do I get out!!
I'm planning to bring Nutmeg to both Ripon and Yeadon once I've found a crew .
Clinker boat on e bay possible N12.
Just noticed N3434 on e bay.
I had my first ever sail and race in N30370 with BJ at YOSC and It was the first 12 I ever helmed, while BJ rolled his Fags!!, It was very quick in the light stuff and you could point it as high as you liked, I have a picture of me aged 16 standing on the bow whilst sailing seeing if we could get the rudder out of the water, great memories in that boat hope you enjoy her.
Ian, I moved from a crusader to an AC Chapter, it does carry the weight alot better and it is I think more stable in the strong stuff, but it tacks alot slower, I usually sail on a river so this causes problems, so think about the sort of water you normaly sail on before changing.
you might save yourself alot of time and maybe money as there is a 'Man o War' design for sale on this website at moment and I'm sure Dare mentioned on another thread he was planning to sell his.
Did I say force 4 forecast!! felt alot more, thanks to Seb for helping me beat my 5 swims last year what a fANTASTIC day out;D;D;D
Wind Guru now showing force 4 from 1pm onwards!;D
Hi every one
Nutmeg is coming to play first time on open water with her and I have got a crew, same one as last year we are trying to beat 5 swims!! ;D
Mind you wind guru has it force 3 rising to 4 by 4pm so should be a great sail.
see you there
The spinnaker idea was tried (and abandoned) on N3313 there is a brief description on the boat data base check out icecreaman entry under N3313
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